Australian Prime Minister receives Confirmation: Australian Blood Contaminated
.. with synthetic DNA from Pfizer and Moderna
good substack Folk
this morning our team sent a Letter to Russell Broadbent MP and several Senators
Mr Broadbent .. upon reading the Letter .. did not hesitate to inform the Prime Minister of Australia, Tony Albanese
.. and the Minister for Health, Mark Butler
.. and Australia’s Chief Medical Officer, Tony Lawler
of the contents of the Letter confirming synthetic DNA contamination from Pfizer and Moderna
Katie Ashby-Koppens and i worked the Letter up with many Australian and international experts .. who can be seen as the 62 Co-Signatories
.. Professors, Associate Professors, Experts in Genetic Sequencing, Doctors of science, Doctors of medicine, legal experts in this field, and protectors of Australian health rights and freedoms
.. the Letter can be downloaded here
many Senators and their advisors were CCd when Mr Broadbent received the Letter
.. when the Letter was sent to the Prime Minister, Health Minister, and Chief Medical Officer by Mr Broadbent, those same Senators and their advisors were again CCd
yes, the Letter does not only solely rely upon peer reviewed evidence .. it necessarily includes a lot of reproduced/replicated lab results that are being generated almost every other week at the moment
.. lab results which have confirmed data of a most serious nature, that we had to include for sending up the flare
these synthetic DNA sequences are confirmed in the blood
of Australians
.. the same contamination already shown
to integrate with human DNA
.. which may also be ..
one omission occurred when creating the Letter
.. an earlier version shared amongst the Co-Signatories contained a reference to the article by Dr Maryanne Demasi Re the TGA FOIs
Maryanne, our apologies .. my apology
.. this was an omission resulting from haste .. for getting the letter out this morning so close to Christmas
.. good substack Folk, Dr Demasi’s article is of the utmost importance for assisting folk understand the ineptitude of the TGA in dealing with this contamination
synthetic DNA contamination and its consequences
is not the wheelhouse of the TGA
.. never was ..
so we should no longer get too distracted by their misdirection
seeking to have Us look at Them
so they can manage Us with their Spin Doctors
.. like moths .. we should keep away from their flame ..
.. No
the true experts when it comes to what the hell synthetic DNA contamination can do .. and is probably doing .. inside Australian bodies .. is an area of science we always had the real experts for answering
Australian experts Pfizer and Moderna were steered away from
when first seeking approval for their drugs back in 2020
those experts are the members of the Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee, the same eminent crew of advisors who should have been given the opportunity to advise the Gene Technology Regulator, Raj Bhula .. had Raj not given Pfizer and Moderna a bullsh*t pass to slip out her side door .. and thereby avoid GMO licenses .. and instead proceed directly to the TGA for provisional approval
had Raj Bhula not put this fix in
all Australians would have been told they were being asked
to receive GMOs
.. though more importantly
the Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee would have been all over assessing these Pfizer and Moderna products, and would have spent months .. many many months .. receiving outside submissions from the public .. and particularly from other experts in the fields of genomics, gene therapy, molecular biology, and specialists who know a goddamn thing or two about these Transfection products Pfizer and Moderna were spruiking
.. like the Snake Oil Salesmen they are
all of those other non-government experts would have piled-in and collectively told the GTTAC .. and the public ..
“Hell No”
.. not this sh*t
Never This Sh*t
.. so untested
.. so thoroughly dangerous with its prior track record of failure
.. so thoroughly inappropriate for a severe influenza season .. which is all SARS-CoV-2 ever was
.. so
putting to one side our GMO proceedings against Pfizer and Moderna ..
the GTTAC are Australia’s best men and women
for advising
and helping
the Prime Minister
.. and in turn
Australians caught up in this mess
.. and the 62 Co-Signatories in the Letter have so recommended this to the Prime Minister, Health Minister, and Chief Medical Officer .. to consult with the GTTAC, urgently
.. next steps
please know, in the background, many discussions are occurring amongst and with the Senator’s offices seen in the Letter .. and for further sharing the Letter with all other Federal MPs and Senators
.. this must be done in a coordinated manner
.. and given the time of year, please expect to see our efforts revived after Christmas has passed
.. the extended team will also deliver this information to:
all Australian local government Councillors
all State and Territory MPs and Senators
all Australian media
.. all Australian and New Zealand Science and Medical colleges and associations
.. your next steps, good substack Folk
Do The Same
download the Letter .. write your own accompanying letter or email .. and send them to your
Commonwealth MPs and Senators
State MPs and Senators
and Your local Councillors
.. and don’t hold back
if you feel some anger
.. or sadness
.. or both
.. vaxxed or unvaxxed
we are all human under the skin
.. and because ..
this crisis smashes everyone
for now ..
I Wish You All a Happy and a truly Safe and Merry Christmas
.. and I must give a shout out to PJ O'Brien, the good family man and community leader at the helm of the law firm Katie is attached to
.. Thanks PJ .. for your unwavering support and invaluable input
and especial Thanks to our many Co-Signatories for their commitment and attention
.. their empathy and concern for people everywhere
.. Co-Signatories who shared their time and expert focus with Katie and i to get this Letter out so close to Xmas day
good substack Folk .. please share widely & restack if you can
the rest of the World needs to know, too
Whatever is in these vaccines, whatever consequences there might be, the fact remains the entire community was coerced and even mandated to submit to these medical interventions under threat of losing livelihood and participation in society - e.g. no jab, no job; no jab, no travel; no jab, no sport; no jab, no entertainment; no jab, no hospitality; no jab, no hairdresser; no jab, no gym... It was NO JAB, NO LIFE. There were penalties for people who refused to submit to the injections.
Due to the mis/disinformation spread by 'the authorities', and the coercion and mandates, there is NO VALID CONSENT for the vaccines.
This occurred despite the Morrison Government confirming in December 2021: "...informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations". See letter addressed to Emma McArthur:
This was also confirmed by the Albanese Government in November 2022: "Informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations." See letter addressed to Elizabeth Hart:
In September 2021, AHPRA also confirmed: "Practitioners have an obligation to obtain informed consent for treatment, including vaccination. Informed consent is a person’s voluntary decision about health care that is made with knowledge and understanding of the benefits and risks involved." See letter to Elizabeth Hart:
Yet neither the Morrison/Albanese Government nor AHPRA took any action to challenge the coercion and vaccine mandates as far as I'm aware?
And the medical profession collaborated with the coercion and mandates - how could they do this knowing their own moral, ethical and legal obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination?
Thank you to everyone that keeps on pushing for the truth to be known by everyone. Legends 🙌🏼