GMO case .. interview .. blatant Judicial Misconduct .. info for Aussies
and .. the GMO case continues
good Substack folk,
straight out of the blocks
.. so to be very clear ..
the Australian GMO proceedings are alive
but presently experiencing some argy-bargy discussions behind the scenes
we will be clarifying the status quo in the coming days .. and next steps
.. below is a recent interview concerning the gross judicial misconduct of judge Helen Rofe in our GMO proceedings
the first video is the long one .. 1:39:00 hour/mins/secs
.. the others .. very short trailers
this information is of particular relevance to the millions of Australians who can demand their Senators and MPs create a Commission of Inquiry into Helen Rofe now
irrespective of the Chief Justice currently dealing with our official Complaint against Helen Rofe
.. Australian Constitutional Law Professors Zimmermann & Moens emphasise this in their recent Quadrant article
NO Senator or MP has to wait upon the Chief Justice .. Section 72(ii) of the Constitution is an independent and more authoritative jurisdiction
this is exactly why Section 72(ii) of our Constitution was put in place
so MPs and Senators can independently investigate judicial misconduct
instead of leaving the job to a member of the judiciary to investigate one of their own
the latter screams Conflict of Interest
Why? .. because it quite simply does involve a Conflict of Interest
.. you are asking one workmate to investigate another workmate
That Doesn't Pass The Pub Test, right?
.. particularly when the Chief Justice was possibly involved
in the misconduct of Helen Rofe
.. Do You See What I Am Saying ..
Australians angry about this judicial misconduct need to contact their Federal MP and Senators and demand they call for an independent Commission of Inquiry into Helen Rofe
if you don't contact them how will they know The Will of their Constituents
which they are required to act upon?
we made contacting MPs and Senators easy for you .. go to:
many thanks to Refuge of Sinners (Elizabeth and Team) for the interview and the fine editing
please click zee pics
.. and apologies for my many ugly mugs
shorter trailers from the above ..
please share widely
please share widely
I am persistently rallying as many interested fellows as I can,this seems to be our best chance to give these unscrupulous reprobates the kick in balls and more they deserve.
Keep the awesome work 👊
I’ve rallied several people in my community to continually update the local MP so this update is appreciated. Thank you.