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Jan 5, 2024Edited
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Re signing - everyone together with anyone

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Amazing work from the team. Thanks Julian for the efforts put in over the holiday period.

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On behalf of the Australian public i thank you so very much for your efforts. What a mammoth task. I for one am enormously grateful for this initiative.

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Good grief that’s a massive body of work and so absolutely necessary that every single aspect of it is dissected forensically for the truth. I’m only a couple dozen pages through the TOR and already I feel like I’m ripping open the scars of memories of frustration and anger I felt during this whole sordid period, thankful I did my own basic due diligence over these issues that kept me awake to the industrial grade gaslighting, fraud and deceit with which the Australian government, regulators and public health authorities assaulted and humiliated the Australian public. I will be proud to sign and thank you and the esteemed panel of experts you have assembled for your efforts.

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Fantastic work you have done. Although I don't have the time to read, I trust you and signed anyway.

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Julian, could you please add a comment in the replies or provide a link to the assertion made under TOR “AA vi” regarding the possible use of saline placebos misleadingly labelled as covid-19 vaccines and records of this activity being known to the Burnet Institute??

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Jan 7, 2024Edited
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Morning Rose, I am but a humble member of the public making my voice heard here ... I read Geoff’s work too however. My interest in this particular point stems from the fact that it was one of the more “conspiratorial” topics circulating when the jabs were rolled out, all of these obvious play actors posing for their “jabs” and the inevitable possibility that saline placebos were being administered to those in government etc. Given recent disclosures about the NZ government granting themselves immunity from the jab mandates, I was particularly keen to find out what Julian has on this topic, as there is nothing in the terms of reference that doesn’t already suggest the evidence is gathered and ready for publication.

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more details should the Committee allow us to briefly present evidence

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Signed. What sane person wouldn't?!

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Thanks Meryl.

Good luck.

We are not in control of the ship of state therefore to go to a Royal Commission will only give the pirates' the opportunity to tell further lies.

I prefer to concentrate on asking for there to be a criminal investigation into the correlation between excess deaths and dreadful injuries and the so called Covid vaccination.

Yes not much difference but I think this way gives the corrupt ship of state less wriggle room.

Statistically I am told by the NZ whistle blower that there is much more than a one billion to one chance that the so called vaccination caused the majority of the dreadful results we see daily.

Either way as things stand this is mainly a political exercise.

I will support the way you want to go and I thank all those involved thus far.

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Agree. I see Royal Commissions come and go, and in the end very little changes. It’s “we support the recommendations” but then it all gets forgotten. Am I surprised there are so many academics contributing to the TOR? Not really, but did they speak out at the time? Not in my recollection. Still I live in hope that something will come of this. Not holding my breath tho.

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good morning Rahima, of the many Co-Author signatories appearing on pages 2 and 3, I can assure you from personal experience and involvement, most have been working away behind the scenes these last nearly 3 years, trying to chip away at those who called the shots, by submitting countless letters citing multitudes of science and peer review literature, seeking to get their former colleagues in government positions to do the right thing, and obey their science training

.. every step of the way they were essentially betrayed .. with Brendan Murphy and John Skerritt topping the list, because they guided so many other State health officials down their ruinous path

the Co-Authors needed to chart their courses carefully, so as not to be targeted and have their positions and reputations destroyed by these public servants who turned on their colleagues and the Australian people

yes, a true Royal Commission is a long way from being confirmed, but taking this step with us is the only way for finding out what we can achieve, and what is possible .. hopefully a better future where this history is never repeated

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Thank you for clarifying. Yes, so many were discredited and the rest were called ‘conspiracy theorists’. At this point I feel I have COVID burnout, am a left with the mystery of how every government in the world went along with this at the same time! (Then did a hasty exit once the deed was done). But will they listen? The group mind appears to have been captured although I do see the tide slowly turning. So Julian I will read your 107 page TOR and hopefully this won’t go the same way as the 5G TOR where most of the 534 submissions were discounted with the classic “oh health issues weren’t included in the TOR”.

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Mr Gillespie,

In case you and your team were not aware (though I am sure you are, but just in case) Prof. John Skerritt who was the gatekeeper that allowed the mRNA products to be "determined" eligible to enter the provisonal pathway as "vaccines", should have known better they needed OGTR approval (if they are indeed a GMO, which absolutely needs to be challenged) as in 2008 he sat on the Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee (GTTAC).



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Germ theory is debunked

No proof of viruses

Invisible enemy are the easiest to construct and conjure as needed.

Pcr test aided the magic trick

24/7 propaganda inciting fear propelled people into fear responses that shut off their frontal cortex - flight/freeze/fight

Advertising budget that boosted the fear signal over every media

Borders closed and babies died

Old folk were left without crucial support - died of dehydration and starvation in beds of urine and shit

Oxygen was and is used to cull in plain sight.

Oxygen is not prescribed for breathlessness instead it’s used primarily with the terminally ill. Palliative care is not kind!

See my Substack article

We breathe air not oxygen

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Go; With God speed!

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Well done to Julian and team. Lets make it count, ppl

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⚖️ ‘Elementary, my dear Watson: why mRNA vaccines are a very bad idea’, by Dr Michael Palmer and Dr Sucharit Bhakti. It’s extraordinary that this brief, relatively easy to understand paper for the layperson was published 2 years ago now:


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What an amazing contribution! Thank you all so much for this hard work!

A few people have been asking: can any member of the public sign this? The field for "academic qualifications" makes one wonder whether you are asking for doctors or academics to sign.

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Signed. Thank you for the hard work.

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