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Keep going. The BAR and UCC need to be destroyed.

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Thank you, Julian. When I saw the word ‘Pfizer’ I just had to post this 4 minute clip with author Paul Weston: https://rumble.com/v52nwzc-paul-weston-is-pfizer-ceo-albert-bourla-a-mass-murderer.html

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Another blow to the good guys....

But.....while we still have breath in our lungs, a heart beat, and a functioning brain to keep us on our feet, we must keep punching back.

Sure, it's a 12 rounder, but we got this.

Thanks for all you do, Julian. 💪🙏

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Forgive me for asking the uninformed question, but is there any way to legally challenge the manufacturer directly - e.g., fraud, deception around product safety, ingredient labeling, false and misleading claims, not declaring knowledge of possible harms? Thanks for your brilliant work to shine a light on the medical malfeasance and professional negligence of so many people in positions of power. All the best.

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Yes Pacifica there is if you have the money to fight Pfizer. They have already been sued plenty of times for their lies. Last I saw was over $4 billion.

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Do not waste your efforts and money on the corporation. YOU and the living man or living woman can interact directly in Law Merchant outside the corrupted national legal system as equals. No large budget required. This applies as SUPERIOR to the legal system, man-made legislative so called law.

Law Merchant not actual LAW in Australia's legal system?? Then look on www.gov.au for 'Bills of Exchange A t 1909' still active law and, in section one, Preliminary, para 5 sub-para 2 and hey look, Common Law including Law Merchant applies ... "

So Law Merchant IS current actual LAW in Australia. Learn about it and how you can function with it. And BTW, Australia never was and never has been a Democracy.

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Thank you for all your amazing work, and perserverance! "...simply insults everyone’s intelligence" is too right. Both Rofe and Mortimer should be in jail, at least. But noone gets out of this alive. And then what, for people such as them? Obviously they give these things little thought.

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Thank you Jules! Of course the BAR Club cannot expose their Mates. Their first Oath is to protect each other. Your work is shining the light on the depth of corruption of previously trusted institutions.

I agree more appeals is a waste of money.

The truth will ultimately come out and the “ Honerable” ones will be dis-honoured in dis-grace.

This legal circus should be included in the forthcoming election to hold a Royal Commission into the C-19 public health failure.

Else we need to seek action under international law.

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As may people are now realising, and did many people over the years before "covid", that The Law has earnt the moniker "The Law is an Ass" for various reasonS.

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Under Law Merchant which IS law in Australia's legal system. Look at Bills of Exchange Act 1909 which is current law. Then learn how to use LM for yourself.

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I believe this is the time to go that extra kilometer. Having sat through a half hour extremely interesting presentation by Wayne Glew, a Constitutional Whiz, to reach out to the British House of Commons. Having mentioned that there is an issue with section 72 (2) of the constitution and that refers to the removal of a High Court Justice, that now opens the door to an appeal to the British House of Commons. The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 is a piece of British legislation and I believe, still active today. So, can an appeal be sought?

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That part of the Planet (UK, City of London etc.,) are VERY INVOLVED for centuries, in what is happening and happened before now.

I would not hold my breath waiting for Justice from that quarter.,

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This would be more waste of breathe especially being that our courts are now corporation s. Look at their names all in uppercase -sign language with ABN # attached. They are a business nothing to do with a constitution since 1973. So good luck. We have no justice.

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Each of us has a powerful position IF we know what that is based upon and learn how it applies. It is called Law Merchant and IS law in Australia. Look at Bills of Exchange Act 1909 - part one, para 5 sub para 2. There is is always law and still is.

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"Words are like empty vessels in which you can pour nearly any meaning that you will. " Learned Hand

Thank you for your great courage, clarity, charity, commitment, and sacrifice. If we survive our Battle of Britain moment then let it be said that never will so many have owed so much to so few, as you.

God Bless!

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Judges can interpret the law in any way they see fit, they won't call out their colleagues. All to their advantage. May have skeletons in their own closet.

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This is 'Mean Girls' to a 'T'.

For those of us who broke away from that sh*t in school, a world of adventure awaited. But - just HOW did Mean Girls insinuate themselves and this sanctimonious biyatch culture into places where ONLY dignity and integrity should stand?!

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Firstly, I am so sorry, Jules. This is fucking tough and a very bitter pill to swallow. Many people go through this in their respective fields at the moment - but especially lawyers, journalists, and doctors, and all of them have to wake up to the bitter realization that democracy and decency, as we knew it, is dying. And they also will be shocked how deep the cancer of corruption has penetrated all areas of Western societies worldwide.

I am not surprised about this outcome though - the same pattern has been happening everywhere. They push the population against the wall because the population is weak and numb and tired and scared. They feel immensely powerful and smug.

But at the end of the day, when it comes to the poisons they push on the population, it can and will end with each individual. Yes we care and fight for people for a while and write and talk and demonstrate and sue and do all sort of things for the common good. But we keep on losing. Writers get censored, lawyers lose in court, doctors get deregistered, human rights get trampled on by human rights organisations - that's how deep the corruption and fear goes.

The real battle will start when they push more poison. Each of us has to then make a choice and either comply or not. Those that want to comply and get sick and die - that's up to them. They had four years to get their head out of the sand and use some common sense and face their own fears. They had four years to get informed. They had four years to grow some balls.

They really can't claim they are still misled by the authorities and kind of innocent victims. If they agree to take the poison, it is onto themselves now, in my opinion. I am so tired of shouting in the wind.

I never took the shots and never wore a fucking mask and, despite being one in probably 500 at the time, I not only survived I had no real issues except some isolation and stupid social restriction I didn't care much about. People have to harden up - each of us individually - and stop looking for "someone" to fight for them.

And if enough people do that - each on their own in their very own style - and say NO - FUCK OFF, those fucking bureaucratic weasels will mostly scurry off. They will punish some of us, but I take my chances. And as more resist, as slimmer the chances get.

I have no idea how to fix this or if it is even fixable. But I know that life goes on - somehow - and I intend to live and enjoy every minute of it despite those anal controlling fuckers. I let them notruin my love for life, no matter what they do.

Take a break, have a good bottle of whatever you like, see some good friends and realize that this had to happen. There was no other way. Take it as a message to guide you. And thank you once again.

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YOu have not even started to fight for this wonderful world we have been given.

Stop thinking of yourself and start thinking of how you can do many practical actions to start applying the evolutionary changes that man has and is capable of so much more.

Get involved in your COmmunity, seek out people who can be LEADERS in those Communities.

Do not automatically turn up on Polling day voting for the same party & pollies,

Support the Senators in Australia who have and are standing as independents and get out and interact in communities or their particular state. Raisea money for them and Jules and his team,

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You are right - I haven’t done many of the things you mention but I have a different philosophy to deal with this.

Not everyone is a community person of wants to fight over power. There are many levels of resistance and ways to do it.

I published over 150 article about it - free of charge - spending thousands of hours over the past four years in rising awareness.

In a nutshell, I don’t trust any leadership system based on power as power always corrupts. The independents are brave and great people but democracy is broken, if it ever really worked fully.

Granted, it was much better than Communism and Totalitarian systems, but the 1% elites still rule the 99%, just in a more hidden, secretive and manipulative way.

My approach is spiritual, aiming at encouraging people to work on understanding and eliminating their egoic false nature and discover their true selves. Everything coming from an egoic ignorant personality will support the power-greed system in one way or another and cement it. I

know, this probably sounds wishy-washy and like a cop-out for activist-minded people like you but we all have our own ways.

Don’t tell me what to do - in my opinion, you are just creating another iteration of the endless “fighting each other over power.”

As long you are ignorant about your false and true nature, whatever you do will end in tear and suffering, no matter how well your intentions. The road to heal is plastered with good intention.

But I won’t tell you what to do because that is not my place. So do the same. Do what you must do with all your energy but stay aware and learn from it until you realize what I just told you above.

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Stay strong BN,GN. It's so frustrating and demoralising at times. That's exactly how our overlords want us to feel. We are going to lose battles, but the war remains up for grabs.

How many ways can we come up with to motivate as many people as possible to remind elected representatives that serving us is in their best interests?

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I would like to say “No way get fucked fuck off!” (Any Angel’s fans here?)

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We’re dealing with a chief justice who disagrees with open justice and supports implementing suppression orders. It seems obvious strings are pulled to deliberately ignore the law of the land and its people. This has set an extremely dangerous precedent for our country :(

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Keep up the good fight, brother!

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Sorry Julian ol' mate but this was always going to be the outcome

I know I have put this to you before but...

the entire 'system' has been captured and usurped away from The Commonwealth (the people) and handed to vast Corporate Interests (not excluding the BAR/ABA) and you ol' mate keep on expecting to find remedy by dancing with the enemy; Fair enough I suppose being that you have spent a lifetime of 'training' and 'practice' in the Legal realm...but you appear to be ignoring the Fact that you are up against only God knows how many Corporate Lawyers trolling through 'law' books looking for escape clauses... and any escape clause will do as long as it sounds 'fitting' enough for an escape to be made 'on the record' (precedent) thank you very much; Now there is this 'precedent' hurdle to jump as well

I don't speak Legalese and don't pretend to even know what this 'bias' is all about; All I read is "we have found a way to ignore your claim and be damned if we wont use it so get out of My court"

Constitutional matters be damned; Is it not yet obvious that these 'courts' no matter what 'jurisdiction' they are all think that The Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth does not apply to them?

Even as a mere layman, I have proven this in the 'magistrates' courts as any constitutional matter presented gets no hearing by 'the magistrate'... others have proven it in HCA

I urge you, please:

Mate, isn't it time to put your smarts to better use and help restore The Commonwealth Of Australia (and courts) back to what it was intended to be by our forefathers who fought and died for the right to be a Constitutional Monarchy in the first place? 62,000 fallen ANZAC gave us the right to a Constitution in International Law; 'Australia' is signatory to both the Hague and Geneva conventions; Many of those convention Laws are being smashed to bits by 'AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT'©️™️, 'STATE GOVERNMENT'©️™️ The BAR©️™️ and The Courts©️™️ while they act as Foreign (Corporate) Administrators in this (usurped) Commonwealth of Australia realm as proclaimed and gazetted in 1901

Denounce your oath to the BAR and stand as a constituent of the Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth; Help restore Constitutional English Common Law courts...then we Can and Will hold all the treacherous and treasonous bastards to account in Courts Of The People, By The People and For The People as per section 80 of Our Constitution (1900)

"no man has right to sit in judgement over his fellow man" yet this is exactly what is happening in all 'the courts' across this once great and prosperous land.

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Yes, well said. It's very disconcerting and discouraging to see this happen in your country. We can see the trust dissolving in all our institutions around the world. Too many people have been harmed, lied to, and gaslit with no accountability, so the pressure is rising to change the system. Maybe the surprising election of Trump is a manifestation of this trend, but also the failure of the controlled media to maintain the narrative {deception}. The truth is getting out somehow despite the huge money trying to sustain the lie. Eventually it'll reach the point of unsustainability I think.

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Oh unsustainability is fast approaching as many more people finally wake up to the fact that 'their government' tried to Murder as many of them as possible; chaos will soon erupt as more and more people find themselves severely unwell, unable to work and forced to try living on the streets

All this dancing around in the totally corrupted 'courts' isn't going to address this very pressing issue; All the money in China isn't going to save a single soul from the inevitable catastrophic loss of life

Restoring our (respective) Constitutional Parliaments will give hope of a decent and peaceful future for those of us left standing when the culling has worked to its ultimate goal... Deagle dot com (C aye A) forecast a 30% (might be more) population reduction for Australia by 2025

If we don't do something about restoring our de jure commonwealth, we are all screwed seven ways into Sunday and the Tyranny of years past will seem like a Sunday roast at Nans house.

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We hope! We need leadership - to dismantle /reform our corrupted institutions. Will it come? I think people are realising that no one is coming to save us. I think we are just about ready to vote for independent politicians who are not for sale. I hope so.

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English Common Law - check that one out as the solution.

Australia can and should doa rewrite of the legal world and use Austyralian commonsense and Natural laws to set the standards., England is corrupot as .,... and has been all through HIstory.

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Did you not read and comprehend what I have already stated about English Common Law?

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Restacked...hopefully people will finally figure out that there is no such thing as Law in 'the courts' of 'Australia' anymore

The Legal has captured it all with incessant Legalese double-speak and other BAR jargon where the common folk will never see justice being served because they don't comprehend the rules of the game being played.

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THe Oz Courts have been a schemozzle for an incredible number of years,

Stop being thbe voice of despondency and get into your Community and other areas and take ACTION.

This is an excveotiuonal time to go up to the next levels in History not to drag it further down as certain pollies and others are doing.

Julian GIllespie is one of the very best in Human Rights Law/. get out and do pratical things to help him and other like minded people..

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Back in 2017 I took a speeding fine to the court above the magistrates one, to seek justice, as clearly the majority of speeding fines, particularly those 5klm over the limit are just revenue raising. I had no accidents, no drink driving for 30 yrs.

In this particular case of which there were others, the presiding judge, a reasonable person, agreed with me, but said to me in court, u should understand u are in a legal system, not a justice system. This was to prepare me for what I should expect when taking on the Government.

Such judges are rare and no doubt don't get recommended to higher positions.

I took his advice and after seeing further erosion of freedoms by ever increasing regulations, and the introduction of same sex marriage, knew then, it was time to vacate Australia. I did that in early 2019.

6 yrs on and I can say, it has proven to be the right decision.

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Thank you so much for your persistence, this is pulling out hair frustration. Nobody is above the law is just another propaganda narrative.

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