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Nov 14, 2023
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Madeleine, respectfully, you are wrong

our team did not just spend nearly the past year with several Molecular Biology PhDs and PhDs in Genomics both in those country and abroad, to suddenly wonder whether you are right, and we are wrong

our work has been methodically assessed and reassessed

please reread the article above and go to the page detailing our civil GMO proceedings, here: https://amps.redunion.com.au/australian-court-covid19-drugs-gmo-pfizer-moderna-law

this Comments section will not be used to debate the merits of our ability to practice and understand the law

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Madeleine is taking some time out for questioning my bona fides

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She is probably taking some time out to get over the shock of it all if she’s been jabbed.

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They don't want to hear or accept they made an unwise decision. It's difficult to accept when you've been played especially when your life may be on the line. No way to dispute all this information coming out. The cycle of grief.

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Seems like something so much worse than grief, if they or loved ones have been injured or died and subsequently accept any degree of the truth about it.

Honestly I don't know how to help someone over that speed bump yet. Anyone have any ideas?

Also some societal cognitive impairment that goes back further than the plandemic I think...

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My wife and I have family who took it. Some have died and some have cancer. It doesn't matter which side of the fence you're on, grief will turn into righteous anger. I'm patiently waiting for this to go mainstream. It's coming.

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Thank you Julian,Katy and Peter for the good news.You’re efforts and Senator Rennick’s efforts are greatly appreciated.Praying that justice may now be fulfilled.

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Heads need to roll for this. The OGTR's onlý job is to protect the country's flora, fauna and citizens from the adverse effects of GMO products.

That the most far-reaching, profound, and potentially catastrophic effects of genetically modifying the bulk of the human population - by stealth and without consent - has been a crime so egregious and so extreme it cannot go uninvestigated, unprosecuted, or unpunished.

The OGTR purposely blackholed Pfizer and Moderna, and the fact the Federal Police (whose main purpose it seems is covering Politicians arses) refuse to investigate, confirms it.

There was a global directive given to get these shots into every man, woman and child on the planet.

We need to know issued by whom, and to what end (because it sure wasn't to stop a runny nose).

I suspect the answer lies in all those Internet of Bodies patents.

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Well said 777. But how is the govt going to walk backwards from this? As you say, the problem is inconceivably enormous. I agree, look at the patents. I sighted some of them put up by clever dicks in 2020. It’s a wide and interesting list of names including the usual suspects. It’s very clearly a depopulation initiative as far as I’m concerned because they knew the covid virus was similar to seasonal flu and they knew the side effects of the jab which included death. There are only so many ways to take that.

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Always the usual suspects. I don't think they care about walking anything back. They're just going to keep pushing ahead. They can't stop now.

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Like you, and as it turns out, many others. When you ask the simple question “why?” or “how is this happening?” A deeply disturbing answer surfaces. “It’s been orchestrated deliberately for an outcome; depopulation!” Watch this video, it will help you see what always been in plain sight. https://rumble.com/v3oap32-lets-talk-about-sustainability-and-thinning-the-herd.html

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🙏 And then we have doctors like this one in Australia advising people to keep up to date with their shots (4 minutes): https://fb.watch/oiz6MHXxgB/

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Facebook don't like this one Oz Dave, can't open it.

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I see. If you’re a member of Facebook and go to “WAMN News was live.” you should see it. It was posted about 15 hours ago. It’s truly absurd.

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G'day JOTB, They want Lingchi, give them Lingchi.

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Metaphorically speaking, of course.😃🇦🇺👍

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Australia, like the US, simply ignores the law when enforcing the law might harm the profits of Pfizer and Moderna.

Such willful violation of the law to protect certain large companies makes the Australian government completely illegitimate. The Australian people have every right to remove that illegitimate government by force and install a legitimate government in its place.

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The evidence is overwhelming and so is the corruption, I believe enough people are awake and they want justice. I 🙏 there is no place on earth for these parasites to hide, it’s time to round them up and throw away the keys.

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This part "If, indeed, the mRNA was being manufactured here...then, under the Gene Technology Act, an approval would have been required for that manufacturing step"

--->at least means that when they start manufacturing at Monash University in Clayton (and wherever else in Australia) they'll also need this approval, right?

18 Sept 2023 "Finalisation of the ten-year partnership was announced in August 2022. The Victorian government has announced that construction of Moderna’s mRNA vaccine manufacturing facility is ahead of schedule and at the halfway mark, with completion expected next year....Moderna opened its Regional Research Centre for Respiratory Medicines and Tropical Diseases and local headquarters, next to the mRNA factory site, last month."


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"Other states, including New South Wales and Queensland, also have mRNA manufacturing facilities planned, though they are not on the same scale as that of Moderna in Victoria."


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Keep fighting the good fight Julian, Katie & Peter along with Senator Rennick. There are so many behind you and the numbers will only grow.

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Maybe I missed it, but at this point, who cares about Moderna and Pfizer? They were just shell companies co-opted by the US DOD, it’s the governments and assholes within these systems that forced people to take this toxic shit to go about their lives that need to be destroyed and have an example set, Pfizer and Moderna were always designed to take the fall. They’ll just sell off the IP and rinse and repeat

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? Is protracted failure by the AG to respond +/or to initiate action grounds for Censure?

These are matters of some importance and should receive prompt action.

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When will we see the politicians start dropping like flies, or did they all take the saline?

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Brilliant work Katy, Peter and Julian. So relieved that this is happening and the fraud is being exposed. Its all happening at a time when The Australian government is now going to apologise to the victims of the thalidomide disaster; it was 1961 when William McBride, a victim later of the establishment, wrote a letter to the Lancet that thalidomide was causing birth defects. I wonder how long it will take for The Australian authorities to apologise for the disease and deaths caused by Pfizer and Moderna.

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