Folks, it is worth briefly noting the correction in respect of AZ above came via information sent to Dr Julian Fidge, from an employee within CSL, the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories, Re manufacturing .. the Commonwealth is seeking to legitimate Bhula's testimony and

.. it is a side ball

it does not bear upon the OGTR's legal duty to have had Pfizer and Moderna get GMO licenses in place for their importation, transport, and disposal dealings

she has said what she did, and now the Commonwealth is in damage control mode

the Commonwealth's legal liability is out of the bottle

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🇺🇸 A clip with Dr Simone Gold (new): https://fb.watch/nZnZR28nsP/

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**Revision Added** please be sure to read the brief revision to the article .. a quote from an Australian Professor

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Only the truth can remain constant. Flipping and flopping and making up lies to hide it will catch up with them as has been shown here.

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**Revision Added** please be sure to read the brief revision to the article .. a quote from an Australian Professor

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Dr Bhula has shown gross incompetence as the gene technology regulator and should be fired immediately. Then put her on trial for her part in the crime against humanity. Well done to the Senators for questioning these muppets. You have opened our eyes to the level of incompetence and corruption across all levels of government. It’s time to drain the swamp.

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**Revision Added** please be sure to read the brief revision to the article .. a quote from an Australian Professor

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Gross complicity masked as now as gross incompetence . Imagine when that is the best face you can put on your position. I imagine her goal is to be fired rather sent to trial. Don’t let he get away with it.

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When I started my nursing training in Canberra in 1971 I was quickly acquainted with the Peter principle - that means the more incompetent you are the more you get promoted. In the ACT it remains supreme.

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**Revision Added** please be sure to read the brief revision to the article .. a quote from an Australian Professor

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Could not agree more. The incompetence is mindboggling. At one time I had dealings with a state government department as an external adviser with experience working with industry. My impression was that the senior public servants involved were lazy, ignorant of their core business, very easily manipulated by commercial interests - and mainly used the working day for networking and polishing their CV.

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I’m an old lady now, but I remember all the politics around privatisation- smaller government was promised. There was also a debate about incomes for “top” public servants. They decided to pay huge pay packets so the public service could compete for “ the Best talent” with private companies. Outcome- last ten years public servants at all three levels of government have increased by 50%. Then there ‘s the issue that despite high salaries the govt pays a fortune- your tax dollars to employ consultants.

Time to go through the public servants and tell them to get a real job. Just look at the duds we had as CHO’s and CMO’s during the pandemic.

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I fully agree regarding the CHOs and CMOs - hopeless lot. I seem to recall one of them - possibly CMO - gravely assuring the public that the Pfizer injection contained mRNA (false) which stayed in the arm (false) and disappeared within minutes (false). The TGA and AHPRA worked hard to prevent anyone getting effective treatment for the alleged virus, mainly on the grounds that it would lead to 'vaccine hesitancy'! The list goes on. The public would have been much better off had the various Australian governments done absolutely nothing, since practically everything they did was wrong, and in many cases positively harmful. Injecting children with the experimental mRNA products was the last straw.

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Don’t buy it-she knew exactly. Incompetence at this point, is her only defence (a la “play dumb” )

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I cannot contain THIS rage....

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Hey. It's not like it was a secret. I do recall the CEO for Moderna stating this shot was a genetic therapy but if we called it that, nobody would ever take it.

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Thank you, Sir. Great work.

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G'day Julian, it appears that these creatures cannot/ will not follow their own charter. Warning; please read this on an empty stomach.🤮https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:AP:f06a7310-6cbc-49f1-838c-358ff9307577

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What an incriminating clip. I'm not sure why the fellow asking her questions didn't follow up with "if there is no transfection, then how does the 'vaccine' work, precisely?"

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She could claim that was irrelevant as it doesn't work. That'd be funny wouldn't it?

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The relentless Senator Rennick was asking the questions. Along with several other senators who are onto the con, he's been grilling them on 'effectiveness' and more - and getting the run-a-round b.s. But they only dig themselves deeper into the muck of their own making. Sadly, too many people have been sacrificed. Stop them: we must!

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Thank you for this! Do you know, are Canadian GMO laws similar to yours also?

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No, they are sadly lacking for human biologicals/drugs .. almost a complete absence of any safeguards or legislation

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I rename this substack Indefatigable Jules .Thank-you for all you do.

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Gene therapy used on people to prevent something never more dangerous than the common influenza:


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Hi Julian, you may remember discussing informed consent with me toward the end of last year when I was researching for my law thesis on these injections. My research led me to find on page 28 of BioNTech’s SEC filing the statement: ‘Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA.’ I have not read anyone else mention this yet, and thought I should point it out as it may be further support for yours and Senator Rennick’s argument.

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Can Buhla take three in the arm, live to prove her statement? Asking for a friend.

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Gene therapy on people to prevent the disease (Covid-19) that has not been more dangerous than simple influenza, where a vast majority of "Covid-19 deaths" have been fraudulently attributed to Covid-19 (the proof for the U.S.):


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