Australian Gene Technology Regulator, Dr Raj Bhula .. admits modRNA products are GMOs
.. then tells everyone a furphy
**revised with late Quote from an Australian Professor below**
**Correction issued Re AstaZeneca manufacturing partially overseas, partially in Australia - see below**
good Substack folk,
where does one begin when a Regulator, meant to be a subject matter expert, capitulates and starts telling the truth
.. only to then lie further as a means of distancing themselves from an earlier lie
this GMO hole is only being dug deeper and deeper by Dr Raj Bhula
first .. some history
Australia's Gene Technology Regulator, Raj Bhula, appeared before the Australian Senate's Community Affairs Legislation Committee on 16 February 2023, where she inexplicably stated:
‘The mRNA Covid-19 vaccines did not involve any step of genetic modification.’
(clic the pic)
.. frankly, that was either a lie or evidence of incompetence
fast forward 10 months and Dr Bhula appeared again before the Community Affairs Legislation Committee, last Thursday, 26 October
between February and October our team with the aid of Senator Gerard Rennick presented to the Australian Federal Police (AFP), and the Attorney-General of Australia, Mark Dreyfus, a Brief of Information & Evidence to show both Pfizer and Moderna continue to commit serious criminal offenses in this country, for failing to first obtain GMO licenses from the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) .. which may or may not have been granted (think *excessive DNA contamination*)
we allege the same in our civil law Federal Court GMO proceedings against Pfizer and Moderna (still ongoing)
.. but recently the AFP shut down their investigation on the criminal brief, without any explanation .. but not before they shared our Brief of Information & Evidence with the OGTR .. namely, with Dr Raj Bhula
.. the person we allege in the Brief provided a non-credible view on these products - read paragraphs 40 and 43-52 of the Brief of Information & Evidence .. it will only take you a couple of minutes
Criminal Brief of Information & Evidence
(scroll down the page to link in above)
so I dare say after Dr Bhula had time to consider our criminal Brief and how utterly implausible her February statement was, she appears to have thought it better to adjust her testimony .. as seen last Thursday, 26 October
.. and boy did she do that, and then some
What happened this Week
here we introduce our favourite mouse, Jikky, of Jikkyleaks .. click the pic to listen to the testimony of Dr Bhula
.. I'll wait a sec
yes, you may need to re-listen a few times, but the nub of Dr Bhula's latest position/back-peddling is this:
a) The modRNA products involve gene technology
b) The gene technology is used to genetically modify the products
c) Had that manufacturing step taken place in Australia, the products would have needed to be regulated by the OGTR
.. now let's be very clear here - the OGTR regulates ONLY one thing - Genetically Modified Organisms .. GMOs .. nothing else
as such, this latest testimony is an implicit admission the modRNA products satisfy the Australian legal definitions for being deemed and called GMOs
but Bhula says she didn't have to regulate them because they were manufactured overseas .. really Raj? - then why did AstraZeneca require a GMO license despite being manufactured overseas?
** Correction .. updated 7.30pm Sunday 29 October 2023: AstraZeneca (AZ) provided CSL labs in Australia with ‘starter materials’ from overseas .. CSL were contracted by AZ to brew-up those materials large scale .. this gives some reason as to why the OGTR required GMO licensing from AZ, though on the face of the GMO license the OGTR approved, that license had far more to do with the risks to human health AZ posed to Australian citizens, than just the manufacturing practices used by CSL**
.. as one enraged Twitter/X user observed:
We don't need to test/approve it as a gene therapy because we didn't manufacture it here.
Are you F'ing kidding me.
Do you test imported cars for safety in Australia, or are they allowed to head right to the streets just because they are manufactured somewhere else?
Breaking Down the Furphy
to assist Raj Bhula, let me explain the Gene Technology legislation a little so everyone is clear
first, by her own admission, Dr Bhula agrees the following legal definitions apply to the Pfizer and Moderna products, namely:
"genetically modified organism" means:
(a) an organism that has been modified by gene technology;
"organism" means any biological entity that is:
(c) capable of transferring genetic material.
"gene technology" means any technique for the modification of genes or other genetic material
think of the modRNA and DNA contaminate being encapsulated in the LNPs, where the LNPs transfer that genetic material throughout human bodies and into cells .. aka .. transferring genetic material
.. and lets us not forget .. synthetic DNA with SV40 promoters and enhancers where the latter directs the synthetic DNA into the cell nucleus .. hello transgenesis
after first publishing this article an Australian Professor of science and medicine I have known for some time contacted me .. they must remain anonymous .. but have allowed me to quote the following:
.. the concept of “manufacture” here is an interesting one as with the mRNA and also the adenoviral vector vaccines the final act of “manufacture” occurs in the body into which these products are injected.
This is because they are designed to induce the manufacture of spike protein production in vivo [in the human body] (the manufacture) as their final step. Without this final manufacturing step they don’t work.
So in effect when the products are injected into a human body in Australia, then the final act of genetic manufacture does indeed occur in Australia.
What OGTR are proposing is thereby a nonsense. If they are redefining the Act in this way then it means we can create all manner of new genetic organisms and providing we do this in vivo then it is now outside the purview of the OGTR – how wonderful – the virology community will be ecstatic that they can now do these things in vivo without going to the OGTR.
By way of example if we inject animals with two pieces of plasmid DNA manufactured overseas then is this now not covered by OGTR? But when those two plasmids are injected they now “manufacture” a virus. According to her testimony this virus is outside OGTR because although it was manufactured in the body, the genetic components that were used were manufactured overseas and genetic translation in vivo from those products is no longer covered.
Just my 10 cents worth.
thank you Professor, I will take your 10 cents and give you $1MM for this goddamn commonsense view - the final manufacturing step actually occurs within the body of Australians - taking out today’s reader prize and helping us all see what is really going on
Returning to Bhula ..
now that Dr Bhula is clear with everyone that these are GMOs, (and yes, Gene Therapy products), the OGTR must regulate the following 'dealings' with said GMOs when on Australian soil
.. the Section 10 definition is clear .. tell me what part is perhaps difficult for Dr Bhula:
"deal with" , in relation to a GMO, means the following:
(a) conduct experiments with the GMO;
(b) make, develop, produce or manufacture the GMO;
(c) breed the GMO;
(d) propagate the GMO;
(e) use the GMO in the course of manufacture of a thing that is not the GMO;
(f) grow, raise or culture the GMO;
(g) import the GMO;
(h) transport the GMO;
(i) dispose of the GMO;
and includes the possession, supply or use of the GMO for the purposes of, or in the course of, a dealing mentioned in any of paragraphs (a) to (i).
.. as clear as day everyone should see the legislation requires the OGTR to also regulate dealings after the (b) manufacturing phase too .. irrespective of whether or not the manufacturing occurred overseas .. just like with AstraZeneca
and by regulate, this simply means Pfizer and Moderna needed to apply for GMO licenses, and the OGTR, if they were to grant those licenses, would have set conditions around those dealings
which dealings, in fact?
Items (g), (h), and (i) above .. the importation, transport and disposal of the modRNA products once on Australian soil
The Reason for the Furphy
.. and here is the zinger Dr Bhula is trying her utmost not to acknowledge
Transport includes regulating and placing conditions within a GMO license to protect the health of Australians at the 'delivery site' of the GMOs in question
which for these products was always ever only going to be one place
.. inside Humans
To Be Continued ..
Lawyers Katie Ashby-Koppens, Peter Fam and I will be updating the criminal Brief of Information & Evidence to include this sudden admission .. the truth, at last .. by our Gene Technology Regulator, while pointing out to the AFP and Australia's Attorney-General, that Dr Bhula's further statements asserting her regulatory authority did not extend to dealings in these GMOs once they landed in Australia, are utterly without merit and betray an ongoing deceit or wholesale incompetence
.. moreover, and plainly, Dr Bhula has confirmed by this GMO admission that both Pfizer and Moderna are, in fact, continuing to commit serious criminal offenses here in Australia
needless to say, now with the likelihood of gross synthetic DNA contamination and genomic integration having and continuing to occur, Australia's OGTR needs to be gutted
.. its leadership and advisors questioned and examined
with clear medical and scientific acknowledgment of what this utter failure to protect Australians from, has wrought
Our thanks and gratitude go to Australian Senator Gerard Rennick .. thank you Sir
And another person pivotal for what occurred in the Senate Committee this week, namely, the indefatigable Dr Julie Sladden .. writer, medical doctor, wife, Mum, Secretary of ASF, and good egg .. thank you Julie
please share widely
p.s. Lawyers out there .. Australian GMO laws are almost exactly the same in South Africa, the United Kingdom, and across the EU .. they were all flouted for these transfection products .. legal teams in those jurisdictions can contact us for legal briefs covering their countries
p.p.s another Associate Professor contacted me after reading the above, asking: what about all these new Australian modRNA manufacturing plants proposed with Moderna and others .. that blows-up Bhula’s furphy moving forward .. otherwise, we all know now those plants will be GMO manufacturers .. roll up your sleeve, anyone?
Folks, it is worth briefly noting the correction in respect of AZ above came via information sent to Dr Julian Fidge, from an employee within CSL, the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories, Re manufacturing .. the Commonwealth is seeking to legitimate Bhula's testimony and
.. it is a side ball
it does not bear upon the OGTR's legal duty to have had Pfizer and Moderna get GMO licenses in place for their importation, transport, and disposal dealings
she has said what she did, and now the Commonwealth is in damage control mode
the Commonwealth's legal liability is out of the bottle
🇺🇸 A clip with Dr Simone Gold (new):