Engaging piece that gives a genuinely interesting dramatic flair to esoteric legal matters.

This knowledge of the tool could change things in the other five eyes nations as well where applicable/available.

Bravo as always.

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Jul 19ยทedited Jul 19Liked by Julian Gillespie

You need to santa clause the senators and MPs; make a list, check it twice, let the public know who's naughty or nice ;-)

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Jul 19Liked by Julian Gillespie

Yes siree! Exactly that. There is no point public or private individuals asking their reps to brush off their Section 72's spiffy powers, if their rep has been "naughty".๐Ÿ˜‰ better to focus efforts on the "nice", then the numbers will influence the "less nice" and or scare the naughty into better behaviour. Live by the carrot, die (figuratively) by the carrot.๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคจ

#section72 #getrepd #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Thxs for clarification re Dreyfus. I can now go back to my MP with this updated info.

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Is Gene Ethics involved in this?

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Jul 19ยทedited Jul 19

as the ball and chain of the Polly Ticks continues to hold back and seemingly outright refuse to be standing in steadfast agreement with (the) Rule Of Law; The Supreme Law of this Land we common folk colloquially call Australia is the Trust In Deed documents contained within (the Annotated) Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth (1900UK) and 'The Act', Chapter 12 enacted into Law 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted via the (Living) Will of Whereas The People with the Blessing of Almighty God;

Our ANZAC gave us (you and i, one and all) gave us the rights and Line Of Authority to act upon any and all of the Laws documented and gazetted in Our Constitution of 1900 and The Act of 1901;

no doubt some of the Polly Ticks (plastic parasites) (personal opinion of I) read from this space so i would like to inform those same Polly Ticks, take note; the Green Book that you have been indoctrinated into believing is The Constitution of this Land is a Fraud; it was created without the expressed will and consent of Whereas The People; the question of introducing this (at the time) new book of documents bound in a green cover as Our Constitution was not put to Whereas The People; No referendum was undertaken to allow any changes to Our Constitution, let alone create a new one with a dubious, US Patented 'great seal' and a US Registered Corporate Entity named Queen Of Australia later (fraudulently) purported to be Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland; do I need to mention that Queen Elizabeth had sworn her Coronation Oath to a foreign (to our Imperial Crown) realm in any case?;

I, Mark Robert, (family Hills) have deliberately left out mentioning the intricate Lawful details of the above mentioned so that you, the Polly Ticks (my opinion), may find it easier to comprehend, in simple terms, that you are actively complicit in the perpetuation of a Legal and Lawful Crime known as Fraud against the people of this (former) Commonwealth that has been purposely and willfully Usurped by US Administration(s) named Australian Government, The Commonwealth Of Australia and Australian Parliament;

Fraud is the very least of the Criminal Offences that you, the Polly Ticks, are actively participating in as you sit as members of a Foreign owned and registered US Corporate Entity without the knowledge of or the expressed will and consent of Whereas The People;

Section 72 is but a fraction of the sections of Our Lawful Constitution that you are sitting in Utter Contempt of;

all of you Polly Ticks calling yourselves politicians best be asking yourselves; what is the name of the Crime one is guilty of when they are found by a jury of their peers to be in Utter Contempt of a Lands Constituted Laws?;

it appears as though the star chambers you have purported to be known as Law Courts are being revealed to a great many Australians for exactly what they are and if you lot fail to re-instate Constitutionally valid Courts Of Law then i fear that Civil Chaos may ensue;

we may not have as many guns as we once had but don't be lulled into under-estimating the ingenuity found when people are Forced to overcome a Belligerent Enemy.

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Thanks for keeping us informed - enjoy your time away

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Jul 19Liked by Julian Gillespie

As well as this being an entertaining and instructive read on the matter of judicial transparency and correct procedure, it conjures, for me, the apparition of how a team of good working dogs will be relentless in steering the mob of hapless and directionless sheep towards the gates of true justice. Those gates bear the sign 'Section 72 ii ', and lead to an area of constitutional protection for the people - from the devices and deceptions of the proverbial 'wolves in sheep's clothing' infiltrating the flock.

It's the team's tenacity, patience and true loyalty to justice that will win the day. The sooner this furtive mob realise it the better for all of us.

Get'em up there Jules ๐Ÿ˜บ

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Jul 19Liked by Julian Gillespie

Now everyone please remain calm, the following is called a joke. A man goes into the Federal Court and asks the security " I need to speak to Justice Rofe immediately"!

Security: "I'm terribly sorry sir, Justice Rofe no longer works here".

The man leaves but the very next day the man comes back again.

Man: "Please, I need to speak to Justice Rofe"!

Security: "I'm sorry Sir, like I told you yesterday Sir, Justice Rofe no longer works here"!

The man once again leaves. On the third day, he's back again.

Man: "I need to speak to Justice Rofe"!

The Security guard says:"Look Sir, why do you keep coming back? This is the third time that I've told you Justice Rofe no longer works here".

The Man: "I know, I know, it's just that I never get tired of hearing you say that."

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Jul 19Liked by Julian Gillespie

I wrote to Peter Dutton a few weeks back on this and have followed up again with his office.

He is my Federal member.

His office are doing the "we are looking into it" routine, but I am not giving up on this.

Corruption must be rooted out and cannot be allowed to fester.

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Jul 19Liked by Julian Gillespie

Looking forward to seeing you again on Rumble with Jessica or Dr Campbell.

We are waiting to hear from you.

God bless you x

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Jul 19Liked by Julian Gillespie

Watching from UK.



Thank you for your professional posts, helping the regular person on the street more than you could possibly imagine x

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Jul 19ยทedited Jul 19

Has Andrew Bridgen outlined any plans for the future now he has lost his seat? I hope after some time out to decompress, he can keep up the tremendous effort to restore some sanity to governance and public health.

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Hoping to see him in a post soon, on Rumble where he can speak freely and let us know what's going on. Can't trust the BB C for their version....

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There is this one uploaded recently:


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Excellent, thanks for this : )

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Jul 19Liked by Julian Gillespie

Thank you for the entertaining flair with which you presented what is now happening. And thank you for all your incredible work, and relentless pursuit of justice!

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Jul 19Liked by Julian Gillespie

I submitted the Section 72 email and separately wrote to Anthony Albanese as MP for Grayndler, no response so I followed up using their online form and itโ€™s still crickets๐Ÿคฏ. The corporation does not want to engage with the public.

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Jul 19Liked by Julian Gillespie

You're all effing legends!!! I love and appreciate you beyond horizons.

Great images, too.

Flood gates at the ready to bust out all over that dirty public servant laundry!



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Does a Section 72 need a majority to proceed?

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yes, in both Houses .. standard Motion

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Very good, but I think this paragraph would benefit from some rewriting . . . . .

'but until our Senators and MPs take the necessary steps for protecting the Australian People from a judiciary that has and is failing them, the legal team for Dr Fidge must take on that responsibility .. and I must tell you, the legal team should not have undertake this role, exposed as they are now to possible attacks from within the ranks of the judiciary, for so long as the judiciary believes our elected representatives will not step-in and invoke the supreme authority of the Constitution'

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Jul 19Liked by Julian Gillespie

The drama unfolds and what a storyteller you are!

Julian, I have to ask: who did those amazing illustrations? Have you been harnessing the power of extra-human intelligences?

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