deletedJun 13Pinned
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Google doesn't have the content.

"No information is available for this page". The behaviour could almost be described as a*n*l retentive.

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I couldn’t download the video to share.

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Yes I’m also trying to figure it out 🤔

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please try the video link for downloading again .. sharing should be fixed now

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Thanks for replying Julian, earlier this week I had also tried to submit a Letter as recommended the strongest action, I don’t know if this Letter was automatically generated because the tab didn’t take me anywhere or appear to have worked 🤔🤷‍♂️

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good morning Jeff .. if you used the email option, you should have received an email requiring you to Confirm & Send .. once clicked in your email the email letter is sent off to your representatives .. nothing further to do except perhaps a follow-up phone call to their office within your electorate, where you can ask the staffer to ensure they give attention to your email .. pointing out the Subject of the email will assist them

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Jun 14Liked by Julian Gillespie

Thanks again, I’ll check my spam or try again.

Keep up the great work, I feel this is the best chance we have had in the last 4 years to make a dent in this scam as there is a specific focus on a serious criminal offense and malfeasance.

I am rallying as many kindred as I know although a sense of lethargy and hopelessness is evident. As you have eluded to the public have short memories, unfortunately what has been was merely a systems test of things to come 🤷‍♂️

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Unfortunately Bonhoeffers theory of stupidity is overwhelmingly observable in our society, but we should continue to resist as good minorities have made a difference throughout history 😎

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please try the video link for downloading again .. sharing should be fixed now

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Jun 14Liked by Julian Gillespie

Try downloading the link by copying and then pasting into google chrome. That's how it worked for me

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Julian Gillespie

The country has gone to the dogs. Every day it’s showing that, not just on this topic but multiple.

Where are the media? Silent, given they fuelled a panic, pitchfork mentality, they have a lot to answer for. They can’t pretend it was just their stupidity. Censorship has enabled this kind of malfeasance on numerous fronts to flourish. The Pfizer judge is another example of money over ethics. We can’t allow this case to be buried, the range of consequences are too great. Thank goodness for people like you.

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Jun 14Liked by Julian Gillespie

Unfortunately, the MSM were bought and paid for early in this scam. However, be sure, they will answer ultimately!

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Not sure they ever will but hoping!

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God wins in the end! They will be judged, and these are the last days, so it won't be long either.

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"CAPTURED," Defines the MSM, but it's been captured for many years. It's common sense, No sure about Australia but in America, MSMs Largest Advertiser is BigPharma, they won't bite the hand that feeds them, I'd expect the talent gets a little grease as well. Corporations are "CAPTURED," along with politicians (not all but enough.) The Global Elite are on a MISSION and they are using their vast wealth to "CAPTURE" all Large Corporations and bankrupt uncooperating mid and small businesses around the Globe. Under the guise of philanthropy. They are pro-transhumans, and anti-God, and anti-Humans'. WHO, UN, WEF, NGOs and many other Groups and Clubs are working in unison to rid the World of useless mouths. It's Satan's next to Last hurrah, this the beginning of sorrows, it gets much worse before it gets better. The 4 horsemen are marching across the Globe. Their flags and colors point them out. Their moon god is symbol is on many of flags. But The Almighty God will win this 2 dimensional WAR.

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This is a global phenomenon but Australia certainly now seems to be setting the way forward for the five eyes. They have now resorted to the position of complete lies - take it or leave it - which is the global default position of Governments still trying to evade discussion of real issues and data in the hope that soon it will all get shoved down the memory hole.

This appears to have started in the Senate where (as the perfect illustration of their position) it was stated in response to a question by Sen. Rennick that the mod-mRNA "vaccines" did NOT involve transfection of cells (so, therefore, no GMO involvement), when this is of course the very mechanism of action of these "vaccines" and openly stated by Pfizer itself.

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Jun 14Liked by Julian Gillespie

Had no issues getting it from Google drive and have emailed that to friends.

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Jun 14Liked by Julian Gillespie

Excellent ! Thank you !

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Julian Gillespie

well done all round .

I am wondering , the last few months, with the distractions of the middle east, monkey pox , bird flu- H1Nwhatever, awards for Dan Andrews and McGowan, the captured australian govt agencies and judiciary , the Australian state and federal parliaments are more likely to welcome WWIII than to cave in on all the missteps of the last 4 years? (and materially compensate damaged and mandated australian citizens/general public/et cetera)

what do you reckon..

(also , is there another way to make a donation of appreciation , rather than having to sign up with stripe...)

you've got soul and you're a soldier (play on words credit to song by "The Killers")



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thank you DC, very thoughtful

Acc: 385364728

BSB: 014043

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Done. I apologise for not getting to this sooner


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thank you DC, received

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Still can’t be downloaded.

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Jun 14Liked by Julian Gillespie

Fabulous - shared widely!

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⚖️ Thank you, now shared widely. This Brownstone Institute post includes some very disturbing figures on what’s happening internationally: https://open.substack.com/pub/brownstone/p/diet-injections-and-injunctions?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios

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Jun 14Liked by Julian Gillespie

Letter sent to the member for Fraser.

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A group of terrorists burst into the conference room at the Hilton Hotel, where the Judge's Association was holding its Annual Convention. More than a hundred Judge's were taken as hostages.The terrorist leader announced that unless their demands were met, they would release one Judge every hour.

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Gold Roc!

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They literally ask for it Darren.👍🇦🇺

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Jun 14Liked by Julian Gillespie

In an effort to encourage and broaden the sharing of this video here is a Public Link to a compressed copy of the video file (15.3 MB – which can be direct emailed as an attachment with most mail servers).


Excellent succinct and balanced overview of the critical situation we must all act on !

Share rampantly !!

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Author

thank you Mz .. have included in article above

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Im just forwarding the email with the link to watch it

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I feel sickened by this corrupt low life, she's not fit to be a lawyer let alone a judge. Frankly there are a great many good arguments for why such a perverse criminal is fair game for capital penalty by anyone so inclined. Only such a brutal penalty is sufficient to bring some integrity into Australia's and indeed also Britain's profoundly corrupt Judiciaries.

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In 2014 in Oregon., Jackson and Josephine

County banned it

The reaction from

'governor' Kitzhaber was swift when he threatened that if any additional counties

tried to do same funding would be cut

It became a ballot measure, but Monsanto began dumping massive $$$$$$$$$$$$$

to defeat it. The airwaves were FULL of it

The result was we lost the vote to ban it entirely from State of Oregon

What many people fail to understand is that even if they buy organic, IF there is GMO acreage next to it the organic crops are contaminated.

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