Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

Well done Julian. Thank you for the explanations and proper court procedures. It appears to me that the judiciary may be as corrupt as our top politicians.

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Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

That is the perfect simile.

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The corrupt judges protecting the corrupt politicians.

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Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

This is absolutely unacceptable. It would be laughable if it were not so serious - corrupt Debra Mortimer must remain silent because if she opens her mouth it throws corrupt Helen Rofe under the bus, which is where she belongs. They both show utter contempt for judicial process and the Australian people. They need to be in jail.

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We need bigger gaols!!

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We have a concentration camp...errr...quarantine facility in each state ready to go...

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Good thinking!

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Extremely well said Diane!

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Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

It is an absolute disgrace and destroys any faith in our legal system...how far does this rot go? Our society hinges on a legal system that is supposed to be and set the example for all truth and justice ⚖️ but if it's rotten to the top...the revolution must begin and all those who are complicit must suffer the full wrath of the people

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

For the good fath of all Australians, all judiciary should be prepared to stand up for our population and be counted NOW.

Can't have our judiciary functioning like the mafia - stinking like canine excrement.

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Yes Fraser, I agree to action now!!! Judiciary is corrupt throughout the world.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

Plenty of us lost our jobs because of ‘government ‘rules’ made up in covid, in which the constitution and human rights were ignored. If they have no hesitation applying those rules to us and us losing our jobs, its high time they got meted out the proper rules.

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Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

It seems they are stalling the process creating a ‘war of attrition’

As you say, Chief Justice Mortimer would answer straight away if there was nothing to hide.

It’s so apparent what’s going on!!

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Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

I totally follow everything stated. I think the judiciary as a whole appears to be in this and many other things; they are covering up many inappropriate things. They are definitely stalling..... Truth will triumph and these twisted people will all, and should all be held to account.

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Hope you are right - because atm hope that truth will win is all many of us are hanging onto.

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A cesspool of corruption

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Yes, like the 90 pedophiles in senior governmemt positions or society - the surpression/gag order post Woods enquiry was that “if the public were to glean this information it would damage trust in governmemt…….”

I mean, if we accept this as justice we may as well not care about a single damn thing, anyhoo, eyes on the task at hand. I am very grateful for the amazing work of JGillespie, all I can do is moan…No juris doctor under my arm.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

Who believes it's way higher than just the judges, and the order has come down to roadblock this case, no matter what?

It may seem like the fix is in and the new judge will still decide "no standing" anyway. What happens at that point? Does justice die under the thumb of our overlords? Will exposing it cause a groundswell of Aussies that swamps these captured systems? Are politicians going to respond to the pressure and form a royal commission of inquiry into the judicial misconduct?

I dunno, but it's incredibly important the case gets to that calculated roadblock. For at that point nobody can use ignorance/wilful blindness to shield themselves from responsibility for doing nothing about it when they had the chance, as the carnage of a nationwide loss of individual and collective sovereignty bites everyone in the backside.

I'll be pitching into the coffers as my thanks, just as soon as I get paid next week. Thanks all. Shine on, you bloody crazy diamonds.

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I believe our judiciary, police, government, medicos are all being told by the WEF/UN/WHO what to do, and next to none of this lot care about any of us. They’re being highly paid, and the fools think WEF etc care about them-NO- our “authorities” will be dumped by WEF etc, to fend for themselves just like we are. Are they all seriously that stupid they can’t see it coming? Albanese gets a visit from Bill Gates-does Gates care about him? No!! Gates is a eugenisist who has probably already forgotten who AnAl is. Gates just wants to make sure the “top dog” enforces needles in arms.

People, don’t take this nonsense anymore-Do Not Comply!!

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We never got to see the minutes from that bill gates meeting did we ?????? Wonder if anyone has done a foi request?

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Good question indeed! Anyone?

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Yes, and remember that we now have a brand new CDC Australia to work in THEIR favour, and against us. Corruption rains / reigns.

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Yep, I did know that, but like with all gov’t things, I came across it purely by chance! I did get a shock when I saw it!

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Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

It’s like we are living in a crazy world where wrong is portrayed as right and right is portrayed as wrong. And the legal system just keep evading the true examination of the evidence with bullshit rulings on the lack of ‘standing’. It’s happening around the world, not just Australia. At some point there will need to be real justice. I’m just not sure how it will be meted out. When the law becomes corrupt and can’t be relied upon, where do we turn?

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This whole corrupt system is enabled by the current Political paradigm, ie, Lib/Lab and the Greens that are all hopelessly captured. At the root of that is the fact that we are not operating under our foundational law, The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution, we are currently operating under a fraudulent legal fiction and have been since 1973. We have to grow up, get our heads around this and change the system. Abandon the established norm of voting Lib/Lab greens and vote for the Libertarian/Freedom parties, they also need to unite under one banner to have the numbers to topple the current system. Until then I don't believe we are going to see justice, but I live in hope.

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I'm afraid that dear Gough said one thing but did another. This Constitution substitution harks back to him

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Oh wow, I thought it was Hawke who did that. But I do now remember something about Whitlam in the whole fiasco. It would be Gough.

It’s just Cairns’ News talks about 1987 I think it is, in every newsletter. I’ll pay closer attention to this.

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Hawke played his part with the Australia Act (1986) which effectively took us back to colonial times by giving power back to the States, without referendum.

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Ah, ok-now it makes sense to me how the states are able to control the “covid narrative and actions”. Thanks Trev! No referendum, and back to colonial times. Words to remember.

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Don’t forget the Nationals in there. They pretend to be an autonomous party, but I honestly don’t know what they do except prop up the coalition numbers. Most people here probably remember they used to be the Country Party. Well I live rurally, but I really can’t think of a positive thing my Nationals federal member (or state member for that matter) has done in my area over at least 16 years.

They’re just part of the coalition to catch country voters for Lib’s. I don’t know if any sort of voting with these parties will be effective for us. We’ve got to take the reins back, right back for ourselves, and form something new-I don’t know what though. Unless we can get these so and so’s to actually work for us, like they’re meant to! I can think of some ways to make them work for us, but I’m not qualified to use the most effective nudge items.

If the commonwealth here is fraudulent, surely there is a legal way to get rid of these mongrels! I’ve read that no government has been “properly” sworn in since this fraudulent system of gov’t has happened. We must be able to get rid of them! Legally! (Or otherwise)

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We are indeed living in upside down world......where 1984 style The Truth is lies; Misinformation is anything that goes against "The Truth (narrative)"; we are at war with plant food - a demon to be fought against by lifeforms that are made of carbon and at war with each other - not those that seek to harm us. Is Soma all round their next move?

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that is for everyone to decide and maybe easier to come to grips to if they fully get to grasp what's going on around them , aka wakey wakey...

2 choices mate , we rise and use those corrupt bastards as shields against a barrage of bullets from autonomous robots or as you know our slave masters allow us now to get euthanised so we don't have to feel the shame of being wankers...

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An ecumanical working union of the black nobility, cabal/satanists (and the people were not allowed to criticise) AIJAC - all working feverishly to control demolish the west and the globe for that matter to be brought under their unending control. “Full spectrum dominance”

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I like the first choice Michael.

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We turn to each other, and tell everyone that we’ve “got their backs”. And mean it! This is war!!

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yes, you are so right. The out for all of these cases is exactly that. Lack of standing. What does that actually mean? It sounds very vague.

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Good question, lack of standing is very vague. So I guess it could mean what any member of the judiciary wants it to mean. I’ve no legal training at all, so I don’t know. Maybe it should be lack of UNDERstanding 🙂

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Isaiah 5:20

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.

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Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

I'm lost for words. Almost.

Our judicial system is trying to cover up the biggest scam in our history, and run interference for a Judge who had the hubris to sit on a matter which she had major conflicts of interest. They are arrogant and self assured. Bring this corruption to light, for the sake of the world.

Thankyou for your reports.

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Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

WRWY... This needs to be done. God speed good people 🙏

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Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

I dare say this nonsense has been going on for too long. Long enough for them to think it will just blow away. Thank you for exposing it. All eyes need to be on them. You are a champion Julian. Bless you. 🙏

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Need to go to the newspapers make everyone aware of this

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You have missed a few steps in this series......"the newspapers" have been paid to promote "The Narrative" and they only allow a little reality in once it is impossible to hide. i.e. the safe and effective (non)vaccine CAN cause injuries........but only in RARE cases, of course........

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Ha ha ha - newspapers? Propapapers maybe? (as in propaganda)

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Maybe we can fund an open letter. Full page in all the Murdoch pub’ns. If it gets past the censors. Just an idea, I wouldn’t even know what to say.

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Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

Sacked? She should serve a custodial sentence and loose privileges

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Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

When this criminal tomfoolery is done and dusted, the criminals themselves should be divested of any and all privileges which may have otherwise been their due had they not resorted to the criminal behavior alluded to in these comments.

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I hope this comes true Muzz!

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Is the reason this type of collusion and corruption flourishes in Federal Australian politics because there is NO negative consequence for these individuals whom are above the law? Everyone else are “persons”….Tax batteries whom gather a growing list of new penalties and laws drafted often at night or with no objection. Those driving the machinery are well clear of getting crushed or mangled by its many moving parts🤗

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if the Constitution 1901 is a measure stick at all , as it is still valid but buried and sat on , the punishment for Treason , which is nothing but acting against the peoples rights protected by royal decree , is still and will always be , unless the Peoples change that through a Referendum , to be hung by the neck until death sets in.

They believe the devil will protect them :)

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

See this is good old fashioned solutions that have held up thru the ages. The Chronicles of Geneva also footnote a similar time where such punishment was required.

Ever since the lack of the 1973 referendum and the ousting of Whitlam it feels like the constitution is in a limenal space.

That said we had a referendum recently thats outcome was meant to steer policy, yet it seems now that the results are not really shaping policy. *The Governor General is our queen? Kiiiiinda a comstitutional Monarchy…? Kiiinda🤔

“We get the government ee deserve”….

Its a stringent tasting medicine for a serial complainer like me.

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Hey Smithy - when the 'government' feels threatened by truth and knowledge the number of projected migration goes up aye - lucky I am exempt from this thought crime BS since it is an illegitimate foreign fictional entity that can't tell us what to do ! Satanists , Pedophiles , Trannies , Clones , Robots and and and

Do you know about that other Crown , which represents that very fictitious foreign entity ? There is a video from a young Queen Elizabeth from possibly 1967 , not sure about the year , it was televised Australia wide , she explained to all the Australian People that she cannot help Us "as we excepted a different Crown !!!! - that very Crown , just who put it there ????

And what happens if it were to be removed by the Peoples ???

After so much hard Yakka , we deserve better ?!

The only policy the fake government had in mind after the Referendum they couldn't lose was to pay off the fake aboriginal 'handlers' , which none of their tribes ever elected to represent their interests , and to sell all the wealth to the rich fuckers abroad aka the highest bidders - it always pays to read the fine-print aye...

after the fake crown and it's company has been removed it's another matter to deal with the other fake Crown and achieve true independence , if that is ever possible with plenty of hyenas lurking out there and a defence force of 15.000

It doesn't matter which political party you look at earlier days or now , they are all complicit. And fuck John Hogward for disarming the Peoples , just why did they give up their guns is beyond me , unless they believed they shot a heap of innocent people instead of a couple of paid snipers , but hey , there is something peculiar going on with a certain percentage of Aussies since children in schools were not taught about The Constitution 1901 anymore since 1975 !!!

We're dealing with the Fabian Society , the Communist party that must have had too much bile and turned Green (in name) and and and....and all paid for by Black rock , Vanguard and the BIS , everything has been monopolized

In the Old Testament there is no mention of Hell -

why strive to establish one -

boot all the bastards out , it does not have to get worse , too many did already for blood sacrifices -

Fraudulent contracts have no validity and never will - to annul and void them we need to find the proper remedy...and walk like men united

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The awful truth. Its going to have to happen to get better. Have you also heard of the “society of goodfellows” an faction of the free masons with billions under management.

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goodfellows , oddfellows , masons , zionists , eugenics , black/white nobility, they're all out in the open for everyone to see , it is up to the Peoples to vanquish their own demons and I pray soon to stop casting spells of EVIL without even knowingly knowing and start to figure that LIVE is worth living or for starters worth fighting for to reclaim their SOUL...

Good Luck to Julian to help make it happen , to help un-earth that fake crown , the bastards are in a corner , they've gone quiet cause they ran out of excuses and pseudo-justifications.

May God Be In Everyone's House !!!

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So true Michael, especially about satan. I’ve seen this said a lot-“the best lie the devil said was making people believe he doesn’t exist”. These people are satan worshippers, in the truest sense!

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hey mate , You know the feeling when you think 48 hours in a day wouldn't be enough...?

I don't know if you get any more info or dare to share any of yours , if you care to read a reply I sent to smithmason

take care

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Yes, I’m often feeling that a 10 day week wouldn’t be enuf! Thanks for your reply, I’ve read the reply you sent to smithmason, I don’t really have anything to add. I’ve not known about these other crowns until you mentioned it. Very interesting.

I can say though, that everyone should realise that the gov’t is never going to help us “normal people”, they throw money around and think that will shut us all up. I may have said all this before, I forget-but the judiciary seem to just about all be captured-this section 72 justice rofe bizzo proves that, none of these people care about us-gov at all levels., judiciary, cops, doctors and everyone else who give or have given jabs, teachers, even the most junior lawn mower at parliament house(s) care about us, quite the opposite, so you mentioned about our right to live-things may have to get very pointy so we can shift all these sods who think they are so important-cos if they don’t move out of our way, one way or another, justice will be served.

And if these self important pompous gits think they’ll repent before they die, they’d better think again, as death can come swiftly-not nuclear, but heart attack or similar, earthquakes, floods, fire, etc, they probably won’t have time to follow Jesus to get favourably with the Father, so imagine if a whole lot of gov’t etc get swallowed up by a deadly earthquake tonight! They’ll be standing in front of God, who will not take one excuse from them, they’ll be read the riot act in front of many souls they’ll know and don’t know, then boom-the fiery pit of hell awaits.

So everyone working against us, especially satanists who spend a lot of time in “that” or “this place” as they like to call it, police, other politicians, people still giving jabs because I can’t believe you’re so dumb you don’t know these things are injuring and killing people, how about working with us, and save your own wretched souls. Most people who know what’s going on since covid especially seem to be persons of Faith, so you’d all better think what would happen if you die tonight. Too late? God will not hear your lame excuses.

Michael, you don’t need to reply, I know what it’s like to not have much spare time, because I’m not a useless……..politician!!!! etc.

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Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

Chief [non-]Justice must also be removed.

Failing to communicate, either way, is not excusable.

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Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

Hats off to you Julian Gillespie, I've followed your work from the start of all this nonsense, you're an unsung hero and I thank you wholeheartedly for your dogged determination in seeking Justice and more importantly trying to get these bio weapons off the market to prevent anymore injury. It's been truly enlightening to me the actions of our hopelessly compromised judiciary, as the corruption now infecting this once great nation, is there in all its Orwellian glory forn those with eyes, to see. I know in the end truth will prevail, wish we had more like you at the pointy end of the fight. Hoping the HC gives us the right result and the GMO is allowed to go ahead, to put this madness to bed once and for all. Then the focus can turn to healing.

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In the end, God will prevail. 🙏

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I can only hope that truth will prevail. With so much graft going on it’s hard to see a clearing in the forest.

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Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

To quote George Carlin: "It's a big club, and you ain't in it". Wish you luck, but the outcome is already clear to see.

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Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

As much as it pains me to say it….. I have to agree. All due respect to the fighters here, and I have it in spades for you Jules, the mice are screaming at the toenails of the elephant. These greed driven cowards have the protection of the blob, civic action will need to push past the established boundaries of accepted ‘law’.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Once every legal avenue is exhausted, hopefully enough people will be awake to the only possible effective method we have remaining. It's something the elite that seek unjustified control over us have always feared. It's our sheer numbers. We simply have to "associate" as Edmund Burke once put it:

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle".

There is absolutely no place those who have hounded humanity can hide, or not for long enough, to avoid being swamped by the collective, focussed wrath of every single person who has had enough. I hope I live long enough to see our overlords get what's coming to them.

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This! This is what I cannot articulate. Thank for the EB quote. Succinct.

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I like your thoughts on civic action George!

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Jun 28Liked by Julian Gillespie

Through out the western world skulduggery in the courts is taking place. Just like the covid narrative, the mandates, lockdowns all played out in the same way. In the states, Brook Jackson a relator for the pfizer clinical trials in Texas is suing pfizer for corruption she observed in those trials. She has evidence but the department of justice is stepping in to protect pfizer. In fact sitting with them in court. In another case Missouri v Biden about censorship, the Supreme Court ruled in favour of the Biden administration saying in a time of emergency the government has the right to censor free speech. All that is happening is very unsettling.

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It is a huge impasse of sorts. An idea might be a united international peak body linking all of these actions and advocacy together. It may even help for capital raising….Just throwing shit at the wall here but, expert witness statements could be used omnilaterally, plus intel

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