I'm no legal scholar, but following Katherine Watts and Sasha Latypova , I am left with the impression, that these " gene altering poisons" do not fall under the usual medical framework....they are DOD countermeasures and once authorized by Harvia Bescerros , they can be deployed on the US population....no testing required.....🤷‍♂️

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I believe that little nugget will be the avenue they use to escape from Julian's approach to justice. Time and time again, it comes back to the fact that justice will need to be served by the people, for the people. The legal system is a farce. When people finally realise that these systems, institutions and individuals can be dismantled in a matter of months, simply by the majority of peoples noncompliance and completely ignoring their existence. It really is that simple.

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Agree.....it does come down to noncompliance.......!🤷‍♂️

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Interesting that ever move they are making now, well thought out, is to make sure the population cannot ignore, and have no choice to comply. Also interesting we have had four years of millions constantly meme away saying "do not comply". It mattered not. We all know in systems of control, non compliance is met with more severe punishment and control. What, will be the spark, that lights the fire, that will take the first order down"?

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Another Legal issue I have raised is the fact that the FDA EUA should never have been granted because Pfizer used Ivermectin to rescue Process 1 jab clinical trial subjects when they became seriously ill.


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I have 2 dead sisters a dead son and a dead friend in USA all vaxed

And to think that they used Ivermectin and new it could save people instead they are happy to make people experience horrible deaths

It is good to see your excellent work taking the floor from under these criminals

I will be happy to watch them hang and take.my knitting with me there should be enough for me to get a whole jumper made and more

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So sorry to hear of your tragic loss Marianne. We need to get justice.

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I have read your interesting substack and can see that Ivermectin was known to be effective against endotoxins, but it was not clear to my limited medical understanding whether any endotoxins were present in the 56 year old placebo recipient and whether the illness leading to his pneumonia was caused by a covid19 infection during the trial. Other parts of the substack seem to indicate that Ivermectin is effective at treating endotoxins arising from vaccine adverse events. So I am still uncertain as to whether endotoxins arise from Covid 19 infections and whether Pfizer were aware of the effectiveness of Ivermectin at treating Covid 19 infections. If either of these were the case, they are clearly guilty of deliberate fraud in their EUA application wherein it was claimed that no reliable treatments were available for Covid 19 infections.

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Pfizer, through purchase of Wyeth, were fully aware of the effectiveness of Ivermectin in treating Covid 19 infection symptoms. My friend Jeyanthi Kunadhasan and others have published detailed accounts of failures, delays and inconsistencies in Covid19 testing in Pfizer trials. Endotoxin is deliberately contained in the Pfizer jabs as uncontrolled and therefore variable Lot to Lot desired "Adjuvant". This is all laid out in their Patents. Pfizer lied about the Endotoxin as well to get the EUA. See my article from January 2023.


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Thanks for your quick reply clarifying the matter as up until now I had assumed that the effectiveness of repurposed drugs against Covid 19 was only discovered AFTER the EUA was issued. I shall read your suggested substack to educate myself further.

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Medical professionals have been aware of the efficacy of both Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine as anti-viral agents for years. They were both used in the treatment SARS-CoV-1 ~ and even Fauci knew about the efficacy of HCQ back in 2005:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/5e5298b329d0

Big Pharma Knew!

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/e0134d830a75

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Thanks for the education. It would appear that the FDA either deliberately ignored that previous history of HCQ and IVM for SARS-CoV-1 or they are extraordinarily incompetent. Either way, once they were apprised of these salient facts they were duty bound to withdraw the EUAs for the Covid Vaccines.

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You are very welcome! Agree 💯% 👍

The only reason this didn't happen, though, (i.e., the withdrawal of the EUAs) is that the whole debacle was a military operation:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/d29bfcb84144

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Wow 😳! Thank you, very much for sharing this!!

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“But without taking these necessary shortcuts and perhaps endangering a few people here or there, TENS of MILLIONS more people would have DIED of this horrific killer virus, stop nitpicking and think about the GREATER GOOD!!!”

Sarcasm aside, we have entered the pantomime neo-Marxist phase of this pathetic descent into tyranny where anything and everything can and must be explained away via the threat of danger to the Greater Good.

No other explanation/information/posture can be entertained.

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But the US is involved, via private donors (GAVI? Gates?) via the “Non GMO Project verified” mission to label foods with their pastel rainbow and butterfly graphic misnomer.

Misnomer, you ask? Why yes — read the project’s mission statement and procedural docs and you will find that foods have to do absolutely nothing to ‘earn’ the dubious designation.

They do not have to be NON GMO, they do not have to be organic. They do not have to be anything.

This logo is just a misleading little icon which has become normalized now,

And people seem to believe it indicates safety.

Oh, and btw — the GMO labeling that went into effect last year… is only accessible on many products through scanning a QR code.

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Thanks for this info! May I ask you where you were able to get this? When I was a member of the IFM, I met MANY doctors, scientists, health care professionals who are like minded in our efforts, here. Please keep telling us more!🙏

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⚖️ Thank you for your tireless work, Julian Gillespie. I’d share this latest information to Facebook, on say the pages of the Garvan and Doherty institutes, and even Lisa Wilkinson’s, as I did the other day with adverse event material (given that she has 118,000 followers), but it would be ignored or deleted.

This morning I received another warning from Facebook, with this ‘key take away’ message of theirs: “Studies show that COVID-19 vaccines don't increase the risk of death. On the contrary, they reduce it by protecting people against severe illness and death, particularly among populations at a higher risk of severe COVID-19. While COVID-19 vaccines are associated with some serious side effects, this risk is very small and doesn't outweigh the benefits of vaccination.”

In the words of Charles Bukowski: “I guess the only time most people think about injustice is when it happens to them."

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It's optogenetics, DNA can be manipulated with blue light, CAS 9 CRISPER not needed.

532nm green laser tunes the nanoparticles to disassembly and switches them off. Turns it back into precursor in the blood. Making it easier to chelate the junk out.

Check out the microscopy.


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It will be years before we unravel the true horrors of this thing.

They were incredibly sophisticated advanced weaponry.

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"Most optogenetic techniques involve injecting viruses with an opsin gene of choice directly into the brain with a needle. To avoid this, the Stanford team used a type of PHP virus developed at CalTech that can be injected in the blood. The virus then crosses the blood-brain barrier to deliver its payload, an opsin gene, to brain cells. In this case, even the delivery of the gene is noninvasive—no needle penetrates the brain."


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This article linked below is also referring to the use of optogenetics. They really are trying to play God, as per their words in the link below. When I first read these things I wondered if it was propaganda. However, the bizarre behavior change I have noticed in family members since they took the shots confirms to me they have used this. This is of course why nobody will look at any evidence...they lost their free will.


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Induces apathy with synchronisation plasmon. The hypothalamus gets messed with to cause memory loop, so the victims repeat the narrative fed to them.

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This is vitally important information, even for those who can't understand the depth of the science, it is the AWARENESS of what's happening that is so important! Everyone really needs to be informed and understand what is being DONE TO THEM, WITHOUT BEING FULLY INFORMED OF THE TRUTH AND DANGER FROM BEING SUBJECT TO EXPERIMENTATION, IRREVERSIBLE HARM OR DEATH!

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Even the way they sold the lipid nanoparticle is a lie.

The lipid sounds like biological fat. When in reality it's a polymer, which is plastic.

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Thank you, for your tireless work!

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Julian, This video and information would be very relevant to what you are pointing out here. This is an excerpt and link. There is a video of perpetrators planning the crime in 2019 on this substack: "FAUCI AT MINUTE 20 discusses nanotech vaccines.

“Getting the sequence, getting the sequence, sticking it on self assembly nanoparticles…


SOLUTION: (FORMER FDA WAS RECEPTIVE) Push the process where the industry takes it up by incentivizing industry and de-risking the investment..." Here is the video and Lisa's analysis:


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Bill Gates also referred to the "vaccines" as being "self-assembling"

> https://slaynews.com/news/bill-gates-admits-testing-nanotech-public-mrna-vaccines/

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Just now discovered John Campbell's great commentary on "Dr. Bill's" enthusiasm for his poison jabs:

> https://youtu.be/WgoixKhPaMY

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BioNTech's full name is BioNTech Cell and Gene Therapies

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Not surprised! Everyone should use their entire name, in full, from here on. Just to make the point, very clear as to what they do!

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Posted on Twitter Jules by @wrysmile9:

“One for you Jeff @jchilders98; a request for some US legal interpretation from Julian Gillespie aka “Jules on the beach”?”

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Exceptional work Jules, well done.

One of the best Environmental Lawyers in the US is RFK jr. my question would be 'has anyone forwarded him all of Jules legal work' so he can build the case over in the US, it could also help his presidential election campaign and as we know he has already spoke of disbanding these captured public institutions. I know he is already in the company of Malone, McCullough, Dr David E. Martin etc but if the legal work has already been done he can use, edit or whatever to suit US Law.

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it was presented to his colleagues early January .. I have discussed it with them several times since .. they are sitting on it and failing to raise it publicly for discussion .. until proven wrong, I believe RFK is reluctant to be the one telling millions of Americans they received genome altering GMOs .. so it has become a political issue where votes come before truth

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Thank you for your reply.

It is nice to know you have been in discussions with his team, on reflection as he is already labelled an anti-vaxer I understand how this would be damaging to his campaign, just in time and resources alone. I believe once the elections are over win or lose he would be in a better place to make a case with your approach to prosecution. As a senior Conservative had said to Andrew Bridgen 'You are taking on some of the most powerful vested interests in the world'.

Public opinion needs to change, just how many more people have to die for that to happen I don't know, but thank you for the work you do to enlighten them.

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"Most optogenetic techniques involve injecting viruses with an opsin gene of choice directly into the brain with a needle. To avoid this, the Stanford team used a type of PHP virus developed at CalTech that can be injected in the blood. The virus then crosses the blood-brain barrier to deliver its payload, an opsin gene, to brain cells. In this case, even the delivery of the gene is noninvasive—no needle penetrates the brain."


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This article linked below is also referring to the use of optogenetics. They really are trying to play God, as per their words in the link below. When I first read these things I wondered if it was propaganda. However, the bizarre behavior change I have noticed in family members since they took the shots confirms to me they have used this. This is of course why nobody will look at any evidence...they lost their free will.


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this appears to be a well researched timeline


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What a fabulous resource, zeb11! Thank you so very much for sharing.

Adding into my "red pill" library now:

> BeyondC19.org

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is this all 'moot' as the vaccines are classed as Military Countermeasures and bypass any FDA and civil requirements? Sasha L. et al cover this thoroughly.

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respectfully, no Greg

the FDA was required to ensure Pfizer and Moderna submitted Environmental Assessments (EAs) which would have made plain their drugs are Gene Therapies and GMOs, pursuant to the FDAs own guidelines .. the FDA illegally exempted both companies from submitting an EA to avoid these topics being raised, and thereby forcing a wholly different Committee to be responsible, which would have taken nearly 1 year longer when factoring in the requirement to receive public submissions about the GMO nature of the drugs .. the PREP Act emergency use authorization did not allow each company to avoid EAs .. the FDA simply and illegally covered-up the need to EAs .. Sasha's writings do not bear on the issue .. more detail and a legal opinion on the US sleight-of-hand by the FDA here:


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OH 😱!! Thanks for sharing this information! There isn't enough time in the day to gather and expose all that was covered up! Keep it coming! We're connected as colleagues in the war to expose the criminal acts committed on the Earth's innocent population! THANK YOU... ALL of you here!

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In my view, the GMO aspect is moot for several reasons, that can be summed up as: there are no legal requirements that FDA do anything at all substantively related to biological product regulation.

1. Under PREP and EUA law, during declared ‘public health emergency,’ in effect since 2020 FDA has no legal obligation to apply or enforce cGMP or any other rules governing product safety and efficacy during development, testing, manufacture, distribution and use, and no legal obligations to provide truthful information to the public. FDA’s function is to simulate/falsify regulatory oversight, not to conduct true regulatory oversight, so as to get intentionally-toxic products into as many people as possible, as often as possible, while deceiving recipients into believing the products are regulated.

2. Under biological product regulation law generally (non-emergency conditions in effect since 1944), FDA has no legal obligation to apply or enforce cGMP or other drug development, manufacturing and use laws, to any biological products, including all vaccines, and including all “GMO” products. Again, FDA’s function is simply to simulate regulatory oversight, not to actually regulate products, so as to get intentionally-toxic products into as many people as possible, as often as possible, while deceiving recipients into believing the products are regulated.

3. Under Mutual Recognition Agreements, regulators in Australia, EU, and other participating countries are relieved of all regulatory obligations they would otherwise have, and are authorized to accept as true, the assertions of fake US-FDA regulators, who are themselves authorized to accept as true, the unsupported claims of the manufacturers, so as to get intentionally toxic products into as many people as possible, as often as possible, while deceiving recipients into believing the products are regulated.


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See also, July 15, 2020, EU Regulation 1043, On the conduct of clinical trials with and supply of medicinal products for human use containing or consisting of genetically modified organisms intended to treat or prevent coronavirus disease



and 1998 Mutual Recognition Agreement, Australia-EU, especially re: batch “self-certification.”


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good evening/morning Katherine,

respectfully, none of the links you have provided go to show the FDA was entitled to exempt Pfizer and Moderna from having to submit Environmental Assessments (EAs) for compliance with NEPA

.. the PREP Act did not alter the situation

.. the European articles you cite do not bear upon the topic nor alter the obligation to provide EAs in the USA

.. the link in respect of the EU GMO exemption in respect of clinical trials conducted in the EU again has no bearing on the FDA requirement to have Pfizer and Moderna submit EAs as part of the BLAs .. and I know this as I wrote a peer reviewed paper on just that EU topic .. see here: https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/83

.. the Mutual Recognition Agreement you cite again does not bear upon the FDA requirement, and only goes to Australia recognising certificates issued in the EU

each of your points 1 and 2 and 3 above are inaccurate and off topic distractions, providing no legal basis for justifying the illegal failure in the FDA to require Pfizer and Moderna submit EAs

your points go to GMP which is a completely separate issue and secondary, and would have only been relevant to answering why there is synthetic DNA contamination

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The classification of the products as non-regulated and non-regulatable 'biological products' is upstream of every other non-regulatory act done or left undone by FDA, and once classified as biological products, no regulatory provisions are applicable, enforceable or enforced by FDA, including but not limited to EAs for BLAs.

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Are you working together with Tobias Ulbrich and Dr. Sabine Stebel from Germany? If not, you should. Just making connections....

Also: https://ghostfromthefuture.substack.com/p/now-that-your-eyes-are-open

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