Literally just finished listening. Bravo, Julian! You and your colleagues are men and women of great intelligence, honour, courage, and conviction. Thank you sincerely for everything you are doing in the face of incredible obfuscation and corruption.

It's heartening to see the vast numbers of views, likes and comments on this video after only a few hours. I very much hope it will remain available for many more to see.

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Taking these entities to court is futile... the only way you overturn this is to defeat the DOD which is backed by every country and every military on the planet.

They will laugh at these court challenges

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As the Georgia Guidestones had stated the global population needs to be 500 million in balance with nature, followed relatively closely (numbers-wise) by the Deigel Report it is clear that the Great Culling has commenced. Even Mike Pompeo had said “why didn’t someone tell me that this was an operation?” That’s what is happening- nothing less.

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You should actually think before you regurgitate nonsense.

Culling billions collapses global supply chains... and the 500M remaining starve.


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I didn’t chisel the inscription onto Georgia Guidestones. I agree with you that it’s a ridiculous goal and that, if achieved, would indeed collapse the global economy. I don’t believe that most of the Global Deletes care because they are not as insightful as you are.

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You also didn't read it properly it didn't say it needs to be reduced ed to. It's "in the event of". Keep it under. Different concept.

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You've been played

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It’s on Dr. John Campbell’s YouTube videos.

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Remember how Campbell was promoting the jabs... cuz he got played.

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pseudo-uridie - rather tha uridine,,,. Nobel prize! super transporter of plasmid FNA (lnot just lipids ad PEG?)

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Apr 24Liked by Julian Gillespie

stunning...thank you so much for this

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Apr 24Liked by Julian Gillespie

You’re a National Treasure Julian. The least we can do is buy you a coffee. Thank you for all your hard work.

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Last time I spoke to Attorney General Mark Dreyfus KC was in a pub in Berwick along with former Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

We can be sure that Dreyfus has referred the Criminal case against Pfizer and Moderna for failing to get GMO licences to the Solicitor General Stephen Paul Donaghue KC who is married to Dr Carolyn Evans. It would be interesting to see which cases they have participated in.


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Another twist on the reinforcement of the nonexistent 'virus' narrative, the 'in silico' uncontrolled, unscientific, unmitigated rubbish of https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2008-3

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Can't believe I had not heard of you and your work before. Thanks to Dr Campbell now I - and a lot of other people - have. The whole thing just keeps getting weirder and weirder and it's great to hear two plain speaking and right thinking experts discuss the real details. My feeling, at 24.4.24, is that the whole world was attacked, with the assent of its governments, with gene altering poison in 20 and 21 and most of 22. The strangest thing was all the world's governments did it and went along with it. All of them together at the same time. That looks suspiciously like preparation for universal war. Now the nervous lull, the calm before a big storm. So what next? WW3? Loss of all freedoms? Forced injections? Concentrations camps for any who will not fight or who disagree? If you cannot get any court to listen to anything about the greatest crime in human history when you have - as you say and we all know - a wheel barrow full of evidence, then the court must be powerless. RS posing with a rocket launcher yesterday and telling us our freedoms depends of arming Ukraine but we don't want a war? What? What is going on?

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They did say were having a "great reset" just didn't lay out the T&Cs👍

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Genome reset to Transhumanism

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Professor Hamamoto utube channel with Lena Pu - well worth a watch👍🤝

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the whole channel or a particular video?

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I think it's his latest video👍🤝

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ALL of the above.

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agenda 30

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Seems to me A30 is really just the current excuse for WW3. And the reason we (don't) need WW3 is so the powerful can rule the world. Same old story. In the past the excuses have been religious freedom, democracy, getting rid of a tyrannical ruler, preventing an attack and so on and so on. Now it is about protecting our health and that of the planet. Nothing changes except the excuses.

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I think the more we learn the more we can say irrefutably that this was WW3 - With only a few rubber bullets and tear gas fired at those who dared to oppose it. It’s no surprise now why each country was effectively taken over by its military and they called the “shots” (pun intended) until the “state of emergency” (90% + were inoculated & people were dropping like flies) was complete.

Worst of all thanks to the PREP Act and many other similar policies around the world that were established well before “Covid” (in preparation) it appears that all of these crimes against humanity were performed perfectly legally with zero liability for anyone involved.

Take another look at the messages in the Purge Movies… It’s eerily accurate as to the intentions of these Psychos.

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Thanks for this. Rappoport has a podcast today or medically justified global tyranny and I agree with him, and with you here, this will be the end of democracy and a return to direct rule of the rich powerful few. I think covid 19 - whatever the details are and whoever started it - was the first global front in WW3. I think the world's spooks all agree that before WW3 can begin the shooting phase control of information and subject populations has to be achieved to prevent any and all domestic opposition, covid proves all sides agree upon that. The whole thing was about how to control domestic populations and make them compliant. We are obviously slowly moving towards full universal surveillance; full control of the internet; concentration camps for dissenters (medically justified); AI backed military policy; and once they have all that then the missiles will fly. History teaches us that a major war once every hundred years is the norm and the present isn't any different. Time to stock up on the basics and head for the mountains - off grid?

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It’s definitely time to head for the hills… The writing is on the wall (or in the history books)

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Apr 24Liked by Julian Gillespie

China participated in the original Pfizer Process 1 clinical trial and decided the Adverse Events were too risky.


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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

Are there some “conspiracy” theories around why China didn’t use the mRNA shots on their population?

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No conspiracy at all. China has a much more protective set of criteria than US for clinical trials, and severe Fever was found, so they pulled the plug. It is fully documented in publications on the Chinese part of the trial.

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I guess what I’m wondering is why did China want to protect their citizens when Canada, US, Israel, Australia etc were fine with poisoning theirs?

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China knew about the US Weaponization of Coronavirus since 1999.

Chinese culture involves caring, especially for the aged members of the family.

Big Pharma rivals the Killing industry in size. Make people perpetually sick, but not quite dead for perpetual profits/


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Although China has a collective culture, it doesn’t follow that the powers that be in that country are caring at all. In fact their human rights history is checkered with examples of inhumanity, torture and cruelty, as fits their political position on the day.

Since becoming Communist they have pushed a fierce and staunchly pro China position ruthlessly. They own two of the ports in Oz, who lets an existential enemy invade by stealth?

They knew what they were doing and didn’t want their gene pool damaged or changed. When the aim is to become a super power then you do what you can

to make that happen, even if that means walk over people, including your own citizens.

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I think if you follow the $$$$ trail, you will find evidence that a lot of $$$$ changed hands ....

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Of course, them being to poisonous for home. Better let the Israelis have them...

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Apr 24Liked by Julian Gillespie

We don't have to wait for Birth Defects information because Pfizer has already reported on a tragic range of Damage to the Foetus in their PSUR3.

To June 2022, Pfizer reported 1,143 "Congenital, familial and genetic disorders" with "Preferred Terms"


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And Naomi Wolf & al have thoroughly examined the Pfizer report in this respect, post per post. See Daily Clout please

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I was of course a key contributor to the Daily Clout efforts and wrote articles published by them.

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In 2011, Nobel Prize winners Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman published results using HPLC to remove contaminating Plasmid DNA impurity from mRNA in Jabs with dramatic reduction of Cytokine Storm.


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Of course, just as they knew that injecting e-coli to circulate via LNP was going to raise havok on a person’s immune system .

Fourth Reich. Their cull. Never stopped post WWII.

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Apr 24Liked by Julian Gillespie

Great interview, lays it out very simply. - there is No Excuse for no retracting ALL mRNA injections from distribution immediately!

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Joseph I agree but what about the 6 billion people who have taken the shots. Retracting the mRNA shots is akin to closing the barn door after all the horses got out. I don't see a way out of this.

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Indeed, but unless the shots are pulled they will keep harming more people & already big Pharma has deals with various Australian State Gov to produce mRNA based vaccines for Flu, RSV etc they want to convert All mass distributed vaccines to the mRNA platform. Which could make the COVID catastrophe look like a drop in the ocean 🤔

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26

Joseph. I totally agree that all mRNA shots should be halted. I just can't imagine how we are going to deal with the unmitigated damage already done with the covid shots. We're talking billions of people.

If WHO manages to gain control of our health then I'm sure they have every intention of continuing with the mRNA platform. So yes. It must be stopped.

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I feel very much the same, I know there are a couple of protocols around from McCullough et al, Van den Bosche recommends high dose Ivermectin, but what I find most distressing is almost weekly I hear about friends, relatives and collegues who I'm certain have been injured by the mRNA injection. The problem is they won't even consider that reality, even when doctors are 'at a loss' as to what caused the issue - which is anything from more prone to flu to Myocarditis and strokes and clots.

The propoganda was so pervasive that as long as their dr, won't consider the possibility, and very few will, because it makes them liable, they just accept their new 'normal' and struggle on.

I think it will take a breakthrough from a court case like Mr Gillespie's to wake people up. -also they think as long as they don't have anymore covid shots they are ok, but the long term harm (autoimmune disease or cancer ) may take years to become symptomatic

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Joseph. I know of the protecols and believe Ivermectin was and is an effective medication for covid and perhaps some damage from the shots but if it is true that DNA has been changed because of them I can't imagine any current protecols will work. If we accept the premise that there has been a cellular change in the DNA then perhaps we can find effective therapies to help deal with the possible ensuing results from these changes. I'm guessing that cancer, in particular turbo cancer, will accelerate and rare cancers will become commonplace. It appears that heart and cardiac systems appear to be compromised. Fertility may have been compromised. These 3 issues on their own will be catastrophic to any given society. And they may be the tip of the iceberg.

One of my greatest concerns is these shots may have crossed the blood brain barrier since it seems apparent the mRNA is getting into the cellular level of our organs. The brain is a complex organ.

As for a successful court case I am a bit skeptical of our current judicial systems. Like the entire medical system that appears to not want to consider the negative possibilities it's possible our courts feel the same.

So Im not holding my breath for justice.

My husband and I are on our second relationship, both having long term marriages that ended with our respective spouses passing away. Consequently after 16 years together we have become a blended family of 20 people. I'm the only unvaccinated one. And I'm the only one worried about their future health outcomes based on their uptake of the shots.

As far as they are concerned covid is over and done with and they have no desire to visit or even question the past and all its ramifications.

Apparently the propaganda was so vast and successful that it's far reaching tentacles are still firmly wrapped around the majority of people.

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Apr 24Liked by Julian Gillespie

Julian, you have brought together all the complexities of modRNA science and the laws of gene regulation into one magnificent expose. You even managed to broach the subject of transhumanism, which we really must start talking about as it hangs in the background. Truly, you are a great Australian and I thank you for your dedication to us all.

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Apr 24Liked by Julian Gillespie

Watched this last night - and downloaded it for distribution - Kudos to you Julian - and thank you thank you for your hard work. We were lucky in Tasmania - our Health Minister a potato farmer said the GMOs were - "Safe and Effective" and encouraged me to get the jab - in fact my sister a highly experienced nurse in Tassie - was forced to resign her position at a Tassie Hospital - as she did not believe our Health Minister... and I know people who suffered adverse reactions - so thank you for your tireless work

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Apr 24Liked by Julian Gillespie

Look at the N1-Methyl-psuedouridine aspect in particular with Pfizer and their partner BioNTech.

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Hi! I thought mRNA is a non-biologic, or facsimile of biologics.

Also, I understood the DNA is a residue from monkey cells(?) Intended to be removed from the product, so only incidentally there because it is impossible to remove.

Of course that doesbiological. or excuse the potential to cause cancer.

Then I understood the fat platform that allows the faux spike to enter the cell to destroy it or do gene replacement is a facsimile of fat, or is faux lipo. That it is only called fat to "pass inspection."

And the problem with the faux spike is it has a known affinity for the brain and neurons and destroys brain cells and/or possibly replaces something in the brain cells?

In any case, I heard briefly about the Australian case and I thought the lawyer (or at least one of them) paid no attention to standing (actual injured parties as plaintiffs). I thought that was not helpful.

Just my individual opinion. I know everyone is trying their best.

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