Incredible! This whole saga brings to mind a quote by Terry Pratchett “A lie can run around the world before the truth has got its boots on.”

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Terry Pratchett - A Man Who Knew . . .

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And no one ever wondered why this was the case. I can tell you why. The lie is terrified because the truth comes with claws and teeth and it is unstoppable. And those that harbored the lie are shitting their pants now. Sam Vimes knows and he is coming and he is not happy about what the liars did.

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Great work - as always. Thank you so much.

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⚖️ Fantastic work, thank you. I’ll be sharing this information far and wide.

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Me too

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Thank you. I’m sharing this one everywhere I can, too, a new paper by independent researcher Elizabeth Hart on ‘Voluntary Informed Consent’: https://open.substack.com/pub/elizabethhart/p/misfeasance-in-public-office?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios Bringing ethics into the science ⚖️

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What I find outrageous is the Ostrich approach by our politicians. They are obviously hoping it all goes away. This is malfeasance at best but more likely criminal.

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the USA as it is known is still under the "commonwealth" banner of london banker world, usurfruct and ponzi pyramid schemes....effectively a "slave" trading corporation using personage and chattel certificates to trade in.

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If you go to the following link, it is made clear that USA are a private corporation held by few peoples.


If the majority of people would have the slightest idea of how really works the banking system all countries would enter civil wars and there would be hanging fruits everywhere.

But people are more interested in watching sports, dedication to the lush of their lawn, washing and waxing their vehicles, spending hours and hours at gaming with phone and computer and all those " so fundamental and enlightening activities" that they have no time left for such stupid and useful things as comprehending economy, banking systems and the like.

First thing first as it is said.

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most cant lift their head away from their phones. Purposefully walk into them while walking. They dont have a clue

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Has criminal all over it. The worlds population and economy all affected. Families disconnected. It doesn't even matter if they didnt ddirectly "mean" to do it, though I am severely doubting any innocence here. Here we are. Millions killed and maimed. Livlihoods lost, economy around the globe destroyed.

It is time for retribution

Sorry for the errors here, seems my "systems" are being affected.

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It’s wishful thinking run amok.

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If they didn't directly "mean to do it" they wouldn't be ensuring it stays on the market.

They meant to do it alright.

And if ever they're brought to justice and prosecuted - no matter how great a legal team they assemble, this 1 fact will bury them.

No amount of spin is ever going to be able to rationalise or excuse it.

There is ZERO justification for keeping a deeply injurious and deadly product on the market, and to allow it to go on killing and maiming the population.

(Unless killing and maiming the population is the goal).

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Just like Japan, UK, USA, various countries in Africa, etc.😐

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Canada too. Big Pharma has found willing dupes blinded by the prospect of high tech jobs, failing to question the basic premises 'justifying' their participation in these 'investments'.

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Says it all doesn't it

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yep 8B

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"allowing Victorians to be among the first people in the world to trial new mRNA medicines for a range of health conditions.".....woopoo lucky us....not.

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i await the awakening that what has happened in the last four years is acknowledged to be the most henious act of PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE ever perpetrated upon living men women, children and all living biology.. these nefarious corporate entities attack our food, water and air... and as a side note is your internet any faster after four years of essential services putting up 5G towers all over the world ?....no because it is not about the internet, it is about frequencies being put out to create radiation poisoning, "517hz and the like create illness, they have done all the testing in military labs"... giving flu like symptoms so as to fit in with the narrative of a virus existing... the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX has sold out humanity for a small group slave banking cartel filth.... the jig is up, hence their desperation to destroy all living things and hide the truth.

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A friend of mine who was skeptical about what I was saying, despite her science background (or maybe because of it?) is now beginning to see. She admits that the hardest part for her is the realization that our governments have lied to us.

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Jun 7
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it goes way further back from the 1900 UK act of parliament to constitute a commonwealth nation, sovereign body.... bloody fraud and corruption has been going on flat out since 1717ad. when a certain group was formed and their oath is not aligned with any sort of "public service" "oath" in any way shape or form, the devil is in the details entirely.

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Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.

Thomas Paine

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coming into successive substacks repeating the same off-topic messages will not do, Mark

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your "friend" has been indoctrinated by a rockefella funded science experiment gone serious wrong against humanity since the late 18th century... snake oil sales men came up with a grand new plan.... peddle fear, confuse people and they will do as they are told....hence my inference regarding PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE, that is where it is at 100% of the time, with media the catalyst to do such, (television created by military interests), all under the control of alphabet agencies..C.I.A, F.B.I, DARPA NSA the list goes on of maligned institutions protecting their wealth for a seriously failed monetary system of material reward for letting your mortal conscience go to hell.

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Maybe research a little as to the origin of the phrase 'snake oil salesman'? Part of the manipulation of language you talk of by pharma. 🙏

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thank you for the reply, do intentions not make the law?, are my intentions not clear enough regarding the context.

legalese and semantics are rife. peace out

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Jun 7
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Yessssss, for shure….but while you’re adjusting to the idea can you pull up your stubbornness trait, what you’ve probably had since you were 4, and decide not to swallow it all, until you have challenged all those promises yourself ? There’s a time for being “ladylike” and non confronting but good grief ….don’t blow up and threaten and mock those who are trying to save your life or at least parts of it. What you have left because you didn’t pay attention two years ago…..or so

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Maybe a more succinct way to put it is the realization that so many among us are 100% corruptible by such unbelievable evil, and orchestrated in lockstep around the globe. Because it goes much further than the governments. Since all mainstream media participated, much of the judicial system, law enforcers, the military, health professionals….. Who could possibly pull off the massive coordination necessary?

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Put another way, the part of your friend's realization that was perhaps even harder, was not that governments lie, but that she was naive and gullible enough to swallow it at all.

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Good point.

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Do you know what brought about this change? Were you giving her material to read/watch or did she work it out herself?

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She was part way there, but thought I was extreme a few months ago. Now she can see what I was talking about. Worked that out on her own.

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at least your friend is prepared to have a look and think a bit

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The trouble is, if the people you have been trying to warn and educate can't be bothered reading anything, a lot of what is happening and has happened just sounds too far-fetched to them. It's a living nightmare for the ones that know and their families & friends are still oblivious/don't believe. Not that I am going to be spared (unless someone can provide me with some solutions).

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I hope at 54, I am still on Earth to see these monsters fall. GOD SPEED EVERYONE 🇺🇸

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This is not Ostrich approach.

Politicians BELONGS to their party before everything else.

Political parties BELONG to their funders before everything else.

This being made clear, they acted as they were told to.

Political parties are nothing else than lobbying groups .

Everyone who believes otherwise is not in contact with reality.

Thus being made clear I recommend that next time you elect a representative why not select someone who REALLY represents you?

When you look honestly at the behavior of representatives the only conclusion you should come to is that you should pick your representative by bure chance out if the voting list.

Unless willingly involving in a deep down

the slope behavior one could not do worse.

At least it would save billions of dollars in campaign expenses.

You get the politicians that you deserve.


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every dam time.... just follow the money, to whom is pulling the strings of society.

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You are a legend. Thank you for your efforts

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Worth noting too that one of the experts in the function of cGAS-STING is the very Nelson Gekara from our expose of the political retraction of the Jiang-Mei paper.


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Additionally dear Senators/ MP's, why are all of these good people doing ALL of the important work, GRATIS, for the grubs who are getting PAID for NOT doing THEIR job?

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Good one! Doesn’t it just make you shake with anger and disgust….all those $$$$ salaries for doing what? Not much

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Yes Sharon, anger, disgust & plenty more. They've overplayed their hand imo & many people are now like you & I. 👍🇦🇺

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I follow the 'good' senators but if they really wanted to waken the wider public with all the agendas (and they have had plenty of time to do this) and the truth about the covid jabs, surely they would put out some TV ads, do a big campaign(s) with flyers etc. I am sure their supporters would gladly chip in $$$ to help with costs. But NO, none of these 'good' senators have done anything like this. I'd prefer a logical explanation for this rather than my suspicions being correct. And also note that none of the Senators had to take the jabs.

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Senators, NOR, the 'Judicial System'. Surely THE jabs are 'Safe & Effective' - FOR ALL (Don't mention Pfizer/BioNTech COMIRNITY 'Attachment A')! Does this mean, that, 'Leading from The Top - &/Or, by 'Example', IS now a redundant policy - Or, Never was? (LOL).

NO 'exemptions' available to the Peasants @ large, well - except the 11,000 'Connected' individuals in N.Z. = Wouln't that make an interesting 'Read' of Jacinda's A List!

SimUlatedTaneously, with the NOTMyGov P.E.T.S [1] 'giving' THE get out of roulette choice cards on CONVID # something Jabs, to Themselves & 'Kingsmen opposition Mk1' entities, it Follows CONvenience protocol, to FREE 'Grift' the Banking fraternity the 'Fruits of wealth redistributions', Resultants of The Organised Strategic Trashing/Collapse of ALL aspects of the Multiple generational Independent Middle Classes!! Slipped underneath the radar of the Gt depression Rd 2.0 & ALL CONquering Mythical Beastie - 'Novel' C.V' - NOT- Coronavirus 201. - Apologies, Coronavirus 19, CONveniently- seemlessly dropping the 'Novelty' tag, into Rebadging as SARS-COV-2.

Now ALL, of this could be DIS/MISinterpreted as FAKE information, but True to Form - If Nothing else, NOTMyGov, has stepped up once again, to 'Exempt' IT/THEMSELF, & the other Seers/Fortune Tellers of Fiction - Sorry, -'Fact' - Or 'Versions therein', - Exempted Itself & The Corporate Media @ Large, of ANY ramifications/Infringements/Penalties/incarcerations InCurRed Of/For spreading 'DeterMined' Falsehoods. Thank God for our Moral 'Watchers'!= WHOm shall Determine, WHAT is/are the Definitive 'OffenSieve'[2] material/s of DIS/MIS CONcernMeant!

[1] P.E.T.S Pretty Easily Trained Stupidoes-Time barcodead on User by date.

[2] OffenSieve. 'Inhouse' Organic or A.I Data 'Sifting'of 'Offensives' or Free think. IIIIIeyes Oversight inclusive.

Wellness to the Unified us! - John D.

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Julian, I salute you and the team of professionals (ethical and moral) who are working to expose the truth. Thank you.

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Thank you, sharing now🙏

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Is there also any evidence of some type of contamination from the actual vial itself?

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And yet rather than move away from this mRNA (and also the DNA vector AZ) disaster...

The federal government seem to be doing the very opposite...

There's a new plan underway in Australia called the "National Immunisation Strategy for 2025-2030"...

(Note the date of this strategy... 2030 🤔)

It's open for submissions from the public now, but if you download the pdf of the proposed goals, then you can see their BUSINESS PLAN to try and usurp Australians bodily autonomy rights once more, but this time there is no room to say no possibly, by the way these proposed goals read*:

Proposed priority areas.

Priority Area 1: Improve immunisation coverage through universal and EQUITABLE access to vaccination, with a focus on FIRST NATIONS PEOPLE...

Priority Area 2: STRENGTHEN COMMUNITY engagement, awareness and ACCEPTANCE OF IMMUNISATION........

Priority Area 3: STRENGTHEN program GOVERNANCE, how we manage and MONITOR programs and account to the public.

Priority Area 4: Use DATA and evidence TO MONITOR performance,TARGET INTERVENTIONS and build confidence.

Priority Area 5: STRENGTHEN a diverse IMMUNISATION WORKFORCE to work with Australia's diverse population.

Priority Area 6: Prepare for EMERGING INFECTIOUS diseases and EMERGENCIES requiring rapid and/or TARGETED VACCINATION...

Note the words/terms: "governance" "targeted" "intervention" "rapid" "vaccination" "emergencies" "acceptance of vaccination"

It certainly sounds like the government is building a web to make sure you take an mRNA nasty, or other vaccine...

If I reword the priorities as they read to me:

Make sure Aboriginals are targetted hard (under the guise of "equity").

Make sure the community are propagandised to accept forced vaccination.

Install governance to monitor those who haven't taken their mandatory vax.

Put together a taskforce to target the unwilling.

Upon the next planned bullsh!t "emergency" targeted vaccination of the unwilling will be required.

Like a Jonestown scenario (for those of us awake enough to see mRNA is a long term multipronged poison)

Who needs the IHR amendments or WHO Pandemic treaty when this is being played out within your own country™??


*Capitalisation added by me for emphasis.

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How come I can't "like" comments anymore - has substack changed the rules? Anyway, I like your accurate rewording!

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SS Likes have been disabled on mine and other SS as I understand … but don’t despair

:)) Like 👍

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I have 2 devices and the older of the two has this problem. I suspect that controls may be put in place on many platforms which defunct older devices that do no longer install new tracking/surveillance upgrades (and all that good stuff). Forcing you to buy a newer one with all installed.

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Thank you. That’s helpful.

Like 👍 And This makes sense as my iPhone machine’ is old, my preference!!

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Also having this frustrating problem. Can only "like" comments from my desktop computer not from any of my three cell phones.

Curiously, if I read on any of those cells a reply to one of my own comments from the Activity tab, I can like it from that screen but only from that screen. So it doesn't seem to correlate with the age of the phone. (One is new, another 8 years old.)

Many have reported contacting Substack about this without receiving a response from them.

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Excellent translation of those priorities into honest English language.

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"After many Australian labs refused to conduct testing..."

The labs approached and their "reasons" for refusal should be noted and if these excuses don't wash they should be held to account later.

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Foi request?

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Yep, if they didn't have the right equipment or experience, ok. Otherwise, not, record and remove any licenses to practice they have.

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There are pharma regulations that say only certain labs are permitted to test pharmaceutical products.They used to be government run. Its been one of the stumbling blocks over many years that prevents the truth getting out. They also make it difficult to obtain product for other labs to carry out testing. Ll

I suspect that the labs that turned it down didn't want to get sued or to lose their funding.

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Let’s start by looking at the confidential agreement proving Moderna had a Coronavirus vaccine candidate at least nineteen days before the alleged emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, China.

The confidential agreement states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to transfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.

The World Health Organisation declared COVID‑19 a pandemic on 11 March 2020

On February 23 the Daily Mail ran an article showing that Moderna has patented the 19 base letter (nucleotide) sequence which codes for the Furin Cleavage site in Covid-19.

However, research shows that Moderna did not merely apply for a patent in 2016 with US9587003B2: as reported in the Daily Mail. They actually applied in 2013 for 4 patents with US9149506B2, US9216205B2, US9255129B2, US9301993B2, as well for their "Covid-19 virus".

The final codon completed inserted gene sequence, ‘CTCCTCGGCGGGCA’, patented by Moderna, does not exist in natural viruses and neither does the CGG-coded Furin Cleavage site CCTCGGCGGGCACGT.

Moderna wins Covid-19 shot patent case against Pfizer-BioNTech in Europe May 18, 2024, 07:01 PM Pfizer-BioNTech who used Moderna Virus 2013: #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG to make their vaccine from. That "virus" you got "a vaccine" for: Thank Bill Gates.

Don't get me started on vaccines - have a look at my substack and my theory of why babies are being born dead

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Living in North Carolina, I can't tell you how much it angers me that not only my federal tax dollars, but my state tax dollars, have paid for this crap, and neither government has acknowledged or apologized for any of the totalitarian tactics they've put me through in the last four+ years. Listening to the arrogant Fauci during the "hearings" made me want to punch him in the mouth as he responded with lies. Knowing since the first few months that UNC-CH has had a hand in this for four years while their students have demonstrated with BLM and Hamas while taking down statues of patriotic Americans just boils me. It's been very difficult to pay taxes the last few years as I detest where my tax dollars go. I try to pretend they are only paying to support military service members and their families.

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Hi Deborah - I'm not American and I don't live anywhere near America (by choice) I was concerned, in my youth, before I travelled the world to find a new home for me from England, that it had to be somewhere where, hopefully, nobody would want to waste a nuclear bomb. I have been fighting against these vaccines on my substack these past 4 years and pushing my free salt water cure which works 100% at killing all viruses - but when I post perhaps 500 read my posts, but when Biden or Trump speaks, the world stops to listen. I found that by making a joke of what I could not change made life a bit easier, so now my substack is cynical and a bit of a joke as well, after all, what else is there to do. I agree totally with what you say and we are governed by people with their own agenda's which are not ultimately ours saw this, thought it might interest you - what the article does not say is that 200% of the soldiers are suitable for Genetic Modification and the rest are not: Canadian military saw 800% spike in vaccine injuries following COVID jab rollout

According to Canadian Armed Forces documents shared with LifeSiteNews, vaccine injuries rose from 14 in 2020 to a whopping 128 in 2021, with the vast majority being attributed to Moderna's experimental COVID injection.

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Wed Jun 5, 2024 - 2:35 pm EDT

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U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates

(LifeSiteNews) — Documents obtained by LifeSiteNews show that the number of vaccine injuries in the Canadian Armed Forces rose over 800 percent in 2021, with the majority being attributed to Moderna’s experimental COVID vaccine.

According to Access to Information (ATIP) documents shared with LifeSiteNews, the CAF’s COVID vaccine injury figures skyrocketed from 14 cases in 2020 to a whopping 128 in 2021, representing an increase of over 800 percent. According to the data, the majority of events, over 100 of them, happened after receipt of Moderna’s COVID vaccine.

The documents also show that in 2022, the vaccine injury figures swelled even higher to 223 cases.

“We know it’s not effective, and now this data proves it’s not safe,” a CAF member told LifeSiteNews under the condition of anonymity.

“They fired hundreds of us for having the wisdom and the courage to stand up for our beliefs,” he continued. “They destroyed our careers, marriages and our families. And they sacrificed the credibility of the CAF to score political points. Every Canadian should be outraged that this is how they treat those who would lay down their lives to protect our country.”

The documents record vaccine injuries beginning in 2010 and ending in 2023. The CAF counted 6 injuries in 2010, 7 in 2011, 5 in 2012, 9 in 2013, 8 in 2014, 8 in 2015, 4 in 2016, 4 in 2017, 8 in 2018, 7 in 2019, and 14 in 2020.

However, beginning in 2021, when the COVID vaccine was mandated by the Canadian military, the number skyrocketed to 128 in 2021 and 223 in 2022.

Beginning in November 2021, the Liberal government under the leadership of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau mandated that 275,983 employees from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, military and main federal departments provide proof of vaccination.

Those who failed to do so risked dismissal or suspension without pay. While there were provisions for medical and religious exemptions, these were rarely granted.

According to the documents, the CAF’s vaccine injury rate is higher than Health Canada’s average. Health Canada has recorded a total of 58,712 vaccine injuries from the COVID shots, or one in every 1,789 doses.

However, the CAF’s 2021 numbers show that 128 out of 162,190, or 1 out of 1,267, doses resulted in an injury. In 2022, the number was even higher at 223 out of 63,962 doses, or 1 out of 287 doses.

The recorded COVID vaccine injuries include myocarditis, Bell’s palsy, and pericarditis among other conditions. In addition to causing various menstrual issues, in one case, the COVID shot was listed as the cause of a miscarriage.

“Our female soldiers were forced to take this?” the CAF member questioned. “Whatever happened to GBA+?”

“They were even forcing this on pregnant soldiers without any hesitation whatsoever,” he declared.

The CAF has seen a drastic decline in numbers since COVID vaccines were mandated in 2021. According to information obtained in February, only 12,793 Canadians have joined the CAF in the past three years and 15,176 were released.

“It’s irresponsible that if you know something is dangerous in 2021, that you must notify people and stop doing it,” the CAF member argued. “Here they knew it was dangerous and they kept injecting people for years afterwards.”

“And on top of that, I know for a fact that there was not a single COVID death in the Canadian forces, and we were at the front lines of op laser, which was in the old folks’ homes at the beginning of the pandemic,” he continued.

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Oh, Christine, I totally agree. There's not enough space to tell you how information much I've amassed watching YT videos, substack articles, FB posts, free MOOC courses, et.al., regarding all this since it started. I'm not an expert like many of the people here and on other platforms by any means. My background is personal experience with autoimmune issues (Interstitial Cystitis, Fibro, Migraines, IBS, blah, blah), having been a volunteer firefighter/EMT, working for the County as a Fire Educator, my husband retired as a 911 dispatcher and letters emergency services vehicles so we have close relationships with emergency workers, my sister retired as a paramedic in 2020, my mother-in-law had dementia and my mom was a quadriplegic so I was their information gatherer and handled their insurance/medical/services affairs. I have a history degree and Master's in Reading Education, all which taught me research so when the pandemic started I took the Future Learn course offered by the UK Tropical Medicine on COVID19 and quickly realized there were huge issues with WHO, the CDC and FDA regarding vaccines, our governments, and the information they were serving us daily. That's when I decided I needed to listen to alternative sources of information and did.

I know of hundreds, thousands, of military, fire, police, nursing, medical, paramedic, personnel who were fired, or took early retirement because they refused the vaccine. That convinced me that I was not crazy, but part of a group of educated and dedicated people who had vast medical knowledge who were willing to lose everything to protect themselves and families from being physically compromised by lies our government were telling us.

Having spent years wondering why I had autoimmune issues similar to my girlfriend who grew up where I had in the Central Valley of CA where they had done spraying of chemicals on crops for control of pests, weeds, and to fertilize, symptoms similar to VN vets with Agent Orange syndrome, I knew that I wasn't going to listen to our government officials. The people in Chapel Hill, NC also are near those troops in Ft. Bragg where they're just acknowledging that servicemen and families were drinking contaminated water from the 1950s through the 80s and are only now allowing them to see if they can file for benefits, years after most of them have died as a result. (I have family members who are stationed there now.)

I believe this pandemic was part of an effort to decimate our economy, our military, our emergency services and medical system, and to divide our communities, throwing our social system into chaos. It's succeeded brilliantly as the educational system over the last few decades has done their job in not teaching kids about our political system, our Constitution, or our government. Additionally our government has allowed millions of illegal aliens into our country and approved billions of dollars of funding for people who are unable to support themselves so that the economy is failing. I know that the majority of people look forward to a socialistic government not knowing the end goal is a totalitarian dictatorship. That's what a lack of historical perspective becomes when people have no education.

I've benefitted most from watching people like Dr. Campbell, and Heather Heying and her husband Weinstein on Darkhorse Podcast change their minds over a period of time as they watched this mess unfold. Knowing that people of their intelligence and caliber were able to view the events and see what I was seeing and actually change their political and social view points because they saw the same evil I did was stunning, but proof that I wasn't crazy or part of a "cult".

I'll look at the information you've shared and really appreciate your response. It sometimes surprises me that people think that what I say means anything. Thanks.

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Mass psychosis, full-on rogue.

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Salt water / nebulizing clears nasal debris yes? that's good enough for me :)

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Hi Deborah, What an interesting life you have had - me too. My life is in 2 parts and I'm not sure if I should discuss the second part, but we will see. My Father was in the English RAF and he moved to different bases, as his progression in rank upwards, took him from base to base and job to job and naturally my mum and me were part of his baggage. I gave up trying to make friends, because their fathers were in the RAF and they got moved along regularly, as did we - my parents were not the parents I would wish on anyone, my mother was abusive in that she would dob me in to my father on any pretext, so that he could beat me, at bedtimes on my bottom, because he was a bully and enjoyed beating on defensless me (and the bruises would not show) - I grew up to hate them and I did everything I could to resist them - passive resistance, although I did not have a name for it then - it made my father angry beyond reason, but payback is a bitch and made me really mentally tough - They sent me to The Rodney Boarding School to have an education beaten into me (Google it) and I learned how to write and have my education beaten into me - the sole of the shoe if I was bad, the heel if extra bad and the cane if really, really bad, never got the cane, though - never got caught to get the cane, more like - and my pen is my sword, amongst other things - just like Tom Brown's Schooldays, without the Pub - as you might have noticed and my father's name ends with me, it goes back to 1066 and second in command of William the Conquerors Forces, Crest and Motto (Nil Desperandum - don't Despair) as I never had any kids of my own, because I hated my parents so much. My name, for your convenience is not my own, our estimed leader and the owner of this substack and I had our differences and in my real name I am banned permanently from here, but I have several identities on this substack and this is my most popular one - my enemy's enemy is my friend in these vaccines (him).

In my late 70's I don't have family or friends so to speak, but I have a companion I met on a dating sites after my ship came home and an inheritance set me up for life, I had been caring for an older friend, she took ill and ended up in a home and thinking I'd be OK on my own, well that did not happen, so met this one and asked her to move in with me (super home, all the bells and whistles) and she did over 10 years ago now - charge her $5 week token rent - rents around here upwards of $500 weekly, I don't need the money and I donate to Doctors Without Borders from my Pension and 100% of everything I own, goes to that organization when I die - and there is a lot now. I left England when I was 24 in 1971, never to return and I eventually found the country which has now become my home. I don't say where because I don't want to target myself, our government is keen for everyone to get vaccinated and does not like anyone not being vaccinated, which is tough, (supposed to be over 97% vaccinated) because there is no way that is ever going to happen and if my substack forecasts are correct, in the next few years, this part of the world is going to get pretty empty, which I'm not looking forwards to at all.

Funny thing happened to this body about 15 years ago - the Spirit which had it, moved out and I was moved in, at night during it being asleep. It was on anti depressants from what someone else had done which was totally devastating to the previous Spirit and I've somehow come to terms with it and moved on, stopped the anti depressants, learned how to operate this body and keep its memories, while creating a few new ones of my own - I thought it was the anti depressants which were the cause of the transition, but I'm still here and the previous Spirit did not recover its body so? I rationalize that I am an Old Soul and I was put into this body to try and stop the vaccines and the outcome of them and that is what I do, I imagine there are other Old Souls, like me, brought back from Heaven, for want of a better explanation, to try and stop what is happening here and if we all play our parts, perhaps we can recover from this madness and common sense will prevail - I am not afraid of death, life is what can be hard, but I'll live in this body for as long as I can, because I have been given this second chance to do that and do something worthwhile on this side and what more could anyone want? The female who went into a home was a froot loop, she believed in mumbo jumbo and we went along to one of those places where they have people who think they can see into the future and predict what will happen, accordingly. I had a Aura photo taken and mine was 75% Gold and 25% Purple and I've been working at getting it up to 100% Gold before I die as I don't want to come back here ever again - should be up there by now 100% Gold. Fingers Crossed.

The person who devastated the previous Spirit died in 2013, not much point carrying a cause for a dead person is there, especially when the Laws of this land are slanted to protect the Law and stop it as being seen as bloody useless and vulnerable to prolific liars, which the dead one was - such is life.

I would describe myself as a collector of random information and then having the skills to put them together to form a picture of what is really going on. I collect information and have done for years, carried on where the previous Spirit left off, come to think about it. I was prepared initially to have a vaccine back in 2019, but thought I'd wait and see and try and work out how the vaccines worked and eventually it dawned on me that the vaccines were bloody useless - and I had the free salt water cure, my body's previous Spirit had used very successfully, for these past, now 31 years, so why go for Trump and Biden's vaccines, which were unproven - better to broadcast "my" free salt water cure to all who would listen and do it, so going against the tide and refusing to be held down, I've been posting away, hoping to turn the tide, not just with the dangers of the vaccines, but also having an alternative method which works, costs nothing and is 100% effective and safe.

So there we are - the past 15 years have been very successful on my watch and I've improved this body and this life beyond measure and hopefully I've saved lots, but I don't get t osee the bigger picture, so who can tell - I think if I've saved one person with my free salt water cure, that is 100% improvement on me sitting on my hands and doing nothing, which is not why I am here anyway - does that make any sense? I've never said my background, I've just had this urge lately, that I needed to share it for whatever reason that is required of me, so now I'm scuppered, as it were - but I feel much better inside, so win win.

I don't mind talking with you on here, but I don't favor closer contact, because not everyone here is potentially my friend, some try to seek me out, presumably to close me down, so I keep my powder dry and my gun clean and avoid personal contact like the plague.

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Inspiring comment.

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Fascinating post, you might like to look up Anthony William the medical medium he has some incredible information to share. His podcasts are really informative.

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You might like to get this in to the Aussie investigation into the virus and Covid vaccines if you can - Trump ordered the US Army to purchase the vaccines for this eye watering sum, just for you: Moderna's Patented virus #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG patented 2013: DARPA has openly bragged on Twitter that Moderna’s mRNA vaccine technology, and by extension Moderna’s Covid vaccine, was a product of their ADEPT program

So why do I have a PDF Contracting with Pfizer to deliver their vaccine for

DOD-ATI-Pfizer-Technical-Direction-Letter-OTA-W15QKN-16-9-1002-21July2020 (7.86mb)

The Department Of The Army US Army Contracting Command – New Jersey Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey 07806-5000 for a Large Scale Vaccine Manufacturing Demonstration (Pfizer, Inc) for the total approved cost to the Government for $1,950,097,500.00 if the virus “Just” escaped from a BioLab?

Provide me with an eMail address and I’ll send a copy to you

Covid mRNA Shots Are NOT Vaccines, Appeals Court Rules


Legal Precedent June 7, 2024 for U.S. Citizens to Deny Medical Treatment.

“forced medical treatment” , “safe and effective for what?”

“JUST IN – Dr. Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated law professor that drafted the Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act of 1989, Provides Affidavit that COVID 19 mRNA injections are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Dr. Boyle stated that the COVID-19 injections violate Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175 and Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023).

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I just don’t understand where the outrage is. Really smart well to do types have been conned and have had a gene altering drug illegally injected into them. Where the hell is their outrage? If I was them, I would be immensely pissed, looking for heads to kick. Are they really that embarrassed that they are just going to let it slip through to the keeper?

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I have kept saying that those deceived will be the most outraged and dangerous - but I am still waiting.

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To some degree being complicit and fearful is the big block.

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According to military cognitive warfare documents, 60-70% of people in the West are NPCs waiting for media download. If the 'owners' want them to be angry and burn down society, they will be activated but they do not have the capacity to do this on their own.

Although according to the SPARS document, there will be:

-acknowledgement of loss


-vaccinated will be the 'heroes of the pandemic' and which point they and their children will go to their graves as 'heroes,' same as when they took the jab.

I mean, people are literally burying their children en masse and no one cares because the media has not told them what to think.

There is literally nothing we can do and there is no 'path to justice' just humanity circling the drain. Covid democide is a whole-of-society crime and this has all been wargamed.

Personally I plan on kicking back, watching the shitshow and staying out of the way for the next murdergrift with the few awake unjabbed friends and one family member I have left.

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My immediate family members listened to me so no jab..Thank GOD

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Well said. Do you by chance have a link to these cognitive warfare docs ? The other factor could be the brain damage this toxic potion causes - spike in the brain, or possibly ELF brain. Rendering docile zombies. Some friends, formerly standing strong, are now a placid shell of themselves.

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The brain damage factor you mention from taking the potion could be true but these peoples brains weren’t damaged pre roll-out were they. Unless of course most peoples brains are basically mush from watching their box in the living room.

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I actually have made a point of asking everyone awake if they own/watch TV since 2020. Just because I’ve been aware of its mind warfare. And the overwhelming response is NO.

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TV should of course be viewed but only enough to catch the propaganda update, get the gist of the latest update/chapter and switch it off. In essence ‘keep your friends close but your enemies closer’.

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Thank you.

Not at my fingertips - I would have to do a lot of digging, but here are the face-forward tells that I can recall off the top of my head:

1. Canada: Dr Joss Reimer Former Medical Lead & Official Spokesperson for Manitoba's Vaccine implementation taskforce. She talks about 60% of Canadians who are "keeners" for the vaccine. Keeners are the NPCs.

2. Australia: the '70-20-10' narrative from the military cognitive warfare vaccine rollout. https://archive.md/kcdYt 70% are the NPC who the military 'has in the bag.'

3. Also they did a lot of psychological priming and surveys that I found through FOI to see %NPC:



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Thank you, we all need to be reminded and to NEVER FORGET what these criminal cartel corporations dished out to the Sovereign Australians. My body, my choice.

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Thanks, good work and appreciated. Reimer is on Satan’s side, and in my reckoning 60% is low for Canada, especially BC.

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From my interpretation, "keeners" are actually the people who would kill their own families if the state told them to. They are really dangerous.

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Have a read of Anthony Williams book The Brain Saver, he focuses on heavy metal damage, which we all have to some degree from various sources. Check out his website: www.medicalmedium.com

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Yah! Embarrassed may be a big part of it…. Pretty scary that someone can put aside such possible tragedies and convince themselves they don’t need to know…..and 10:08 pm in Phx and big FD sirens are screaming down the street

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They cannot allow themselves to think that way, especially if they have jabbed kids.

Much better to just try and forget.

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This is true, I have kin that thought jabbing their teenage kids was a good thing. Faced with all of what they know now, still manage to convince themselves it’s still the better of two evils. It’s very sad, and unlike what I’m encouraged to do by those more invested in humanity than me, I can’t find the empathy to forgive.

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Yeah if you forgive shit like that then you're part of the problem!

Probably the biggest thing I've learned over all this is that I'm not "invested in humanity" if that includes these self-centred ignorant vain weak vindictive lazy mendacious fuckwits who seem to make up the majority. My lifes work is to insulate myself and those I care about from this mob.

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A jabbed toddler died in Perth this March 'of leukemia/fever/whatever after routine vaccinations.' I really wonder if he had the C19 jab or was born to a jabbed mother. Growing up, in all my years of education, and the thousands of children I met, I never knew any child who had cancer. Now we have entire hospitals dedicated to it. They're putting it on 'hospital incompetence' and while I'm sure this contributed...wtf.


And now children are being orphaned after both parents die of turbo cancer within weeks of each other.


What a total shitshow.

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They are growing up in a toxic world and being exposed to a lot more poison than previous generations and it is passed down so is building up in the DNA.

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Governments have given land to Moderna to build labs to make this poison/poisons in Melbourne Victoria, the Chinese Communist Danial Andrews and a UN puppet put it into action.

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Ooooooh Yuk and Yuk

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Will the people protest? Nope, too busy protesting for climate change and other apparently more threatening issues.

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The words “out of an abundance of care” keep coming to mind … whether intentional or just stupidity, this is criminally negligent, and the only thing we keep doing as a society is pretending the Great Lie that we had “to do something to avoid 10’s of millions of covid deaths” I.e it would have been so much worse if we had done nothing. Strikes me that this is so huge, intentionally so, that to actually find the root cause of culpability would be like finding a needle in a haystack made of poisonous needles.

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The Department of Defence in the US. Surely you’re familiar with Sasha Latypova on Substack

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