Best news ever

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So proud of our local member Mr Russell Broadbent

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WA heroes indeed. Lest we forget the hundreds of poor buggers working in the resource industry in places like Port Hedland who were forced to jab and boost to keep their jobs due to the oligarchs of Rio, BHP, Woodside et al coordinating with Chairman MaoGowan to “keep the industry safe” to preserve its profits and the state’s treasury, deeming FIFO workers “high risk”thanks to the calumny of his CHO Andrew Roberts and his bogus directives. Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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Speaking of Rio, its biggest shareholders at the time were behind the Whitlam govt's dismissal. Who was that you might ask? Yes, the British royal family.

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Pretty sure they all got the yellow batches. This could be found out pretty easy. I think all the ‘B’ suburbs got the blue batches (Balga, Butler etc). Only a hypothesis, but again, all the data should be available to prove me a conspiracy theorist.

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Chairman MaoGowan sits on half a dozen mining company boards, paid positions for companies that pay little taxes (they leave that part to their jabbed workers, while they still breathe) and also works for the same mineral resources lobbyist group that his uniparty chum, Joe Hockey lobbys for government benefits. Let's not forget key note speaker at this year's Diggers n Dealers mining convention in Kalgoorlie, Kim B-Sleazley, who supposedly retired from politics about 10 years ago. Next PM, Dead Eyed Dutton also made a private appearance for those wanting to pay him 10k for a 20 minute snack at a local hotel during same event. Gosh, I wonder why the mining and gas industry has so many perks for the boys upstairs?

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The biggest question is: why are governments worldwide ignoring the evidence based science from independent non captured scientists? How do we get to the bottom of this? This is truly a nightmare. A Toronto ER doctor posted on X the increasing numbers of young people coming in with myocarditis and aneurisms. He assumes it’s from covid. How do you differentiate between covid and the shot? Governments worldwide are failing, they’re shirking their responsibilities. Why is this happening? Doctors are afraid to speak up because they see what happens to their colleagues who have spoken up. Who has this much power?

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Some day the dam will burst. The politicians and bureaucrats who acted so recklessly will have to face the music at some stage. If nothing else, the ever growing nos of those with aggressive cancers and all manner of other ills will cause any number of questions to be asked.

Some day I hope those responsible for killing my uncle and so many others will face justice.

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From NZ, I'm hoping that day comes for you, your uncle, and everyone we've lost or seen damaged, and everyone who has had to deal with all that while keeping our own heads above water and being 'othered' by reckless, short-sighted people.

fingers crossed y'all. fingers crossed.

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If not in this life they will in the next

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Chris, never in my life during a two year period of time have I known 9 people with a cancer diagnosis, 5 have since died. That’s just in my world but it’s happening everywhere but governments are still doing nothing. Unbelievable.

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So then again, as usual, it comes down to "We the people" to "Do something". Take your rights out, and exercixe them. use it or lose it. Say :No". It really is a numbers game. Write to the Federal M.P in yoiur area. Vote for independent people.

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Kirstch published something today about how it's only the vaccinated getting heart issues among young men

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Yeah, backed up an earlier Thailand study, although the thai study went looking (shock horror - daring to peek behind the curtain with proactive research), for it and found relatively plenty at the sub-clinical level. Everything is sub-clinical...until it's not.

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Young men that would defend our country if an invading force was to come.

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Which is exactly why. And the promotion of "WOKE" men, who would not know how to defend themselves, let alone woman and children. All for a reason.

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Vivien, reply to the first few words in your comment here:

Because their bonuses esxceeded their expectations!

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"How do you differentiate between covid and the shot?" Easy ... there is no covid.

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That's the correct answer.👍

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Thats my belief also.

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Most likely, It is EMF radiation causing the flu like symptoms of CV19.

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Every day I have a discussion with a normie I’m reminded of the fact that 90% of adults, voters, professionals etc are unbelievably brainwashed by the MSM. The only media they consume is propaganda, scripted narrative … it applies to almost all spheres of life, but particularly politics, and EVERYTHING about “covid” was made political. When healthcare is made political, Dunning-Krueger applies in force (the less people know, the more certain they are that they’re correct) and so here we are … I think doctors and medical professionals in particular are more prone to be adamant believers in the narrative because they’ve been flattered and gaslit their whole careers into believing they’re better than everyone else … they “save lives”. As a result, very little orchestration has to be done from a “conspiracy” perspective because the vast majority are primed by fear, flattery and ignorance to just go along with it. As someone else noted the covid dam is cracking, but at this point it’s such a monolithic structure of lies and obfuscation that whatever truth emerges will just merge into the spillover of other MSM narratives about healthcare, pharma drugs and other climate-pandemic-fear porn.

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"unbelievably brainwashed by the MSM . . " That is why TV was invented, to numb the people's brains with propaganda.

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Well said.. who are these people behind the curtain? They are behaving like terrorists. Maybe we are being weakened for a takeover?

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Finally a way to inform the public on vaccine harms and enabling voting on the issue. The public is entitled to know what has been injected into them, in some cases forced into them. The public also needs to know that those elected to represent it, paid to represent it, have not done so. They did not take care to check safety of the vaccines, they are still recommending citizens get vaccinated after being informed of the harmful vial contents, have not adequately supported the vaccine injured, are ceasing that support, are not insisting on safeguards for new mRNA vaccines, have not mentioned safeguards to be regulated in the Australian Moderna manufacturing plant it is engaging with, appear not interested in changing liability laws for vaccine producers, the government will not discuss the vaccine contamination with the public. So now a different level of government may do the right thing by the public.

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I’ll be watching! Vaccine injured, with ‘thankfully’ no more than 2 Pfizer injections, wanting to stay alive for my grandchildren at then aged 70, I wasn’t badly affected by CoVid even though the immunity from the 2 vaxxes would have well worn off by that time, and I’ve heard of so many injured. A doctor told me of one of their patients blinded in one eye, another who died in the clinic shortly after the injection, and another who suffered a stroke. A relative told me about their relative suffering blindness in one eye, and today I heard from a hairdresser that someone close to them developed Parkinson’s Disease after their jab, aged 18 - formerly athletic and now using a walking stick. This hairdresser said a doctor they know suffered blindness in both eyes after his injections and while it improved, he now has only partial, blurred vision. My relative had a stroke after his jab, and young relatives have suffered either stillbirths or infertility since their vaccinations.

A friend’s close relative, formerly slim and extremely healthy, used to trekking and mountain-climbing, developed Parkinsonism Syndrome shortly following vaccination and resulting in death two years later. A relative’s best friend died of a brain aneurysm shortly after their jab. I could go on. How do I know about all these people related to my social contacts? I mention my injuries within our conversation so it isn’t like a big statement. It’s amazing how people then tell me of the vaccine injuries they know of.

Gosh, it’s tragic what has happened, and it’s ongoing. I’m so encouraged by the bravery of Russell Broadbent, Julian Gillespie and other Australians in the public eye who persist in bringing the vaccine harms into the light. May they be blessed and protected. 🙏🏻 👏👏👏

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I hope you made a full recovery from your injuries? I know one family in my home town who have had a bit of bad luck. The father had neurological issues (possibly a stroke) after the jabs, the daughter had lung clots after the jabs and the son had leg clots after the jabs. I know of a handful of others that have died during this period of coerced jabs plus a few which suffered cardiac problems. As for me, I received adverse events and lost my job because I refused to risk further injury.

As for "Safe and Effective"... I think not?

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I’m sorry to hear of your vaccine injuries and then being refused work after you declined further vaccinations with almost certain injuries. It seems that those injured by one of their jabs go on to have worse injuries if they continue wIth more vaccinations. They are definitely not safe or effective!

No, I haven’t recovered, and have ongoing neurological issues, with sound hypersensitivity, pain in hands and feet, with nerve pains in my hands when I hold my iPhone. I now have new-onset erythromelalgia (burning and pain in hands and feet.) The frequent tingling I had after the second jab has mostly improved, but new onset osteoarthritis (the pain started on the night of Pfizer, dose 2,) in part of my spine is the same. Corstisone injections help with that - I’ve had two so far and will need more.) I’ve also had new onset immune issues I haven’t had before. I used to enjoy occasional running, but due to the spinal injury, I’ve been told to stop running. If these problems were due to ageing, it would be bad enough, but to have them develop so close to vaccination and to know of the smokescreen around everything CoVid and CoVid vaccines makes me angry - to know there are so many of us injured and much of the public either doesn’t care or thinks it’s sacrilege to question vaccines. As for the perpetrators, there are no words adequate to cover it.

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sorry to hear that you have ongoing health problems. There are many people in high places that should be facing serious criminal charges for their part in these crimes against humanity and their part in the coverup.

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Totally! They should be facing criminal charges.

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So sorry to hear of your injuries. Have you considered working with a homeopath to address what you’re going through. They can also suggest a detox from what you’ve had injected. Just a suggestion. Homeopathy is a very powerful healing modality and for some reason it flies under the radar and is over looked.

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Thank you for sharing. One of my symptoms was heavily jaundiced eyes which had a very strong burning sensation. My eyesight has deteriorated since then so is a concern? Detox programs may reduce inflammation and minimise effects from toxic spike. However, my understanding is, if you are unfortunate enough to suffer genetic damage there is nothing that can be done to reverse this damage.

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Yes. Unfortunately if that is the case, I’m not sure what the solution is. Doesn’t hurt to try though.

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Oh no, that’s terrible! I’m very sorry about this. I watched an article recently about a neuroscientist who has left her teaching job to educate people about healing structural damage to the body. She suffered a so-called permanent problem after routine iron IV treatment, got better, then suffered terribly from a CoVid booster which she didn’t want to take, but couldn’t return to work without it. She has overcome the structural damage by using neuroplasticity and I think the methodology would include meditation. She said the fear she experienced after being told her structural damage was permanent, prevented her from healing. I’m going to look into it further. She emphasised that it isn’t about blaming the sufferer for their suffering. The neuroloplasticity goes beyond psychology.

I was mostly and amazingly cured from a balance disorder I developed after jet lag. The visual-vestibular disorder was very disabling, but within a couple of months of exercises practised by a chiropractor in Hampton, Victoria, I was able to lead a normal life again.

For what it’s worth….Best wishes for recovery! 🙏🏻

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Thank you for your suggestion. I agree that detoxification is a very good way to go. I see an integrative doctor who helps, but I think extra ideas and treatments can unlock healing. I’ve developed new symptoms pointing to immune dysfunction and overstimulation. It’s as if the vaccines and resulting toxicity cause an overload and blockages in normally healthy pathways - which is where treatments as you suggest can kickstart healing pathways.

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If you are jabbed, you will be shedding spike proteins onto anyone who comes within 2 metres. Be very aware please. Pfizer drug rollout handbook, pages 67-68-69 They may then develop sterility, brain cancer etc.

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Can you explain what you mean by “be very aware please.” Are you saying I should stay away from others because I’ll be likely shedding spike proteins? With the majority of those around the world unfortunately vaccinated, what do you suggest the vaccinated do?

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The unvaccinated people have to be very aware, of who has had the jab, and who has not. We have to stand back, and observe and stay out of range of folks. No adult fun with jabbed people either. Most unjabbed people avoid large groups like the plague..... I am sorry that you are not aware of these true things. Substack groups like the carnicom institute and Dr. Makis etc, can help. Good luck to you.

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I will not communicate any further. If you do take my advice, and also look up Dr. Bryan Ardis on his site, he has some very good advice. The antidote is a good movie to enlighten you.

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Thank you. I’m aware of the snake venom Dr Brian Ardis speaks of.

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Hm Julian. This could be a game changer indeed. Taking the path less travelled. While Councils will table the letter, how strong is their obligation to do something? Can they bin it, bury it? Collective action or are you anticipating individuals taking further action? Whatever, it a brilliant move. How did you pull this off?

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Rahima, I reckon the Drs. just should put their feet down, stomp, and say, We are not giving it, we do not need you to say Yay, or Nay, as these are contaminated vials, and as any out of date drug,or contaminaed medication, you do not give it BY LAW. We are telling You, the Govt, this is not going to happen, we are not asking you, we are telling you, Lawfully. Basically, there is no discussion.

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Should this information also go to Matt Burnett, President of the Australian Local Government Association, ALGA, and WALGA?

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I'd say "no". There is a real risk the ALGA and WALGA have been infiltrated by allies of the same people who allowed the rollout to take place and they could send out some memorandum to all the councils telling them this is conspiracy theory bunkum and to engage us. It is better each council is indepednently approached and informed so the people can make up their own minds without being first tainted by that tar brush.

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🎯 🎯 👆

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This continues the extraordinary efforts of Dianne Cudby and the Pro Choice Movement at the height of the mandates and lockdowns. So many people from all walks of life came together thanks to Dianne's efforts. 👍🙏

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"it will enliven a legal Duty of Care" I note your choice of the word "enliven" You being a realist.

General GIllespie - The Supreme Commander,

You are well and truly "standing on THE Hill that people refer too in this time.

Unbelievable "holiday" your having.

What ingenuity and fighting spirit. Already on the job on-forwarding this email recieved 10 minutes ago and still on duty Sir! but had to admire you per email before the next round here.

You are earnestrly wished good health and safe travel.

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🤔👍🎩 Now THIS could actually move the needle and get some real traction!

PROVIDED that the LGAs don't get spun a party line when they consult legal on this. Councillors are more inclined to take this seriously, because they know they have to look their constituents in the eye when they pick up bread and milk, get petrol, etc. Plus, they don't earn the big bucks, so there is potentially a genuine motivation there.

But if they call the gov lawyers for the party they rep, I'm afraid they may get BSd into being told that they needn't worry, it's all taken care of, nothing to see here, move along now. 😉🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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WA Local gov is different to the east. No party affiliations, at least officially.

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Look at the City Council's & they're full of party pratts! They even vote on motions en bloc! City of Melville has presently a couple of ALP, Liberals & a patchwork of other's who've run for different parties at both State & Federal elections. Cr Karen Wheatland has worked in 2 ALP offices that I know of, just built a house in Kardinya & has been announced for the regional seat of Durack. Now waiting to see who else pops up in the March State election or the 'sometime before May' Federal election 🤔

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Funnily enough I just emailed all the Melville councillors about this contamination issue. I doubt it will do much good but at least they will know, and I will know that they know.

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Mr Russell Broadbent,

Proud to have you as a former Liberal mysel - very involved since 18 years old, but RESIGNED before little Johnny became P

VEery WISE decision to resign in 2003 from Liberal Party - its NOT The Liberal Party of Australia.

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You'll want to keep a close eye on the population that received multiple doses of the contaminated injections. Several months ago my Dr observed a rapid rise in patients presenting with cancers. Yesterday a long time friend advised three in his family, brother, wife, son having various cancers , (skin and lung).

Be proactive if you can and gather the data.

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Exposing the cockroaches to the light is a good first step - especially at the grass roots level like this. You might also want to forward it to the Five Eyes leadership with a 'cease and desist' demand.

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10

Bloody good stuff, thanks.

The plandemic happened top-down. Part of the response has to be from the ground-up. Blowback, when funnelled through the barrel of a large population of the aggrieved (there's that word again, except this time we are about to teach Rofe what it really means) , that overwhelmingly outnumbers those at the top, is where the rubber meets the road.

Port Hedland council have an opportunity here. Fingers crossed they don't blow it. We might not get too many chances to pull back from the brink of mRNA/microRNA/self-amplifying mRNA abominations before it's too late.


Looking through the meeting agenda it spells out in black and white why they may not support the motion. Have enough of the councillors a spine or are they going to show their constituents and the wider community just how bought and captured they are. I hope the public attend and explicitly warn the councillors not to cave, that no amount of $ is worth risking public health for.

The part of the risk assessment that piqued my interest:

"There is a Strategic risk associated with this item caused by impacted State and Federal Government relationships, leading to the loss of secured Government funding and low likelihood of future Government funding to the value of more than $10 million. The risk rating is considered to be Extreme (20) which is determined by a likelihood of Likely (4) and a consequence of Catastrophic (5). The risk will be avoided by the Council resolving not to take the actions outlined in this report."

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Yes, the issues you have pointed to also worried me. Many on Council “follow the herd” and are afraid of consequences. But if nothing else they will be forced to examine their consciences before putting financial considerations over health issues. My local council is “captured”. I’m interested to see if a stronger moral fibre is present in country people. But taking the path of acting local is truly inspired. Just hope these councillors are not just like usual bunch ….getting training and experience in order to move up the food chain.

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Our "council" is captured also and has a UN flag (terrorist org) flying over its "smart" city chambers.

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Brilliant ! Think global, act local.

No surf in Hedland, but so good to see you are building your own 'wave machine'.

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Prof Clancy and Dr Campbell acknowledge your good work.

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