Jun 24Liked by Julian Gillespie

Thank you Julian! I have written to Linda Burney, not surprised I havent had a reply. I shared this on social media.

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Jun 25Liked by Julian Gillespie

Thank you, l shared to approx 20 groups.

😍 🙏

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Jun 24Liked by Julian Gillespie

Thanks, Janine. Can we connect on fb, so I can direct people to your shared post? What's your handle there?

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Jun 25Liked by Julian Gillespie


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I sent one to Rick Wilson. No reply

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She's a traitor like the others. Gucci Linda has sold out humanity, our country and her "mob"

When not banned I like to visit her and the others Facebook pages and share information. Dogs the lot.

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Excellent video! Thank you!

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Jun 25Liked by Julian Gillespie

I find it odd that MODE-RNA is opening in the UK, Canada & Australia in 2025. Feels more like a defence agreement rather than a medical agreement.

I also think the public health authorities are the medically educated ones who are more responsible and they should have sounded the alarm. The politicians who weaponised the vaccine for political purposes should be sued & the medical establishment were the reason politicians got away with it. It wouldn’t have happened without them backing up or staying silent.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

They were payed handsomely for their deceit. Everyone, it seems has their price. When Outsiders plays back the rhetoric that we had to listen to during their manipulation of us all I thank Rowan Dean so gratefully for reminding us just how perverse these creatures were in their deceitful lies. We must all NEVER forget what they did, how they did it and WHY they did it.

None dare call it democide. It’s too horrific to contemplate and that the medicos and pollies (well paid also by big pharma) who sanctioned this poison with the governments in many cases didn’t put that poison in their own bodies. Lots of evidence exposed on that already and whistleblowers on the mat for doing the right thing.

Thank you Julian for your own dogged determination to expose the “unfruitful works of darkness”.

I will share on our Christian website to help wake up the naive and often, blissfully ignorant.

Keep up the good fight everyone!

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You wrote; "Everyone, it seems has their price." I respectfully disagree with your premise. In fact there are many, many people in this country who, because of a deeply principled approach, told the "mob who do have a price" to stick their mRNA jabs up their jumper. Often at a great price, I might add. Please do not be offended by my point. Because, I predominately agree with your sentiment. Indeed, those worshipers of mammon will, in the end, reap their reward with "weeping and gnashing of teeth."

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I get what you’re saying. But the ones who did make the decisions over our lives WERE handsomely paid and it’s documented elsewhere on this Substack. I am one of those you refer to.

In my family we did not succumb to the enticement and pressure to be jabbed. And it was not without fallout.

My husband and I and six adult children, some spouses and five grandchildren all unjabbed. However, the husband of our eldest daughter destroyed their marriage because she refused to take it and wouldn’t give it to the kids (we did not vaccinate our kids after one became very ill as a baby). Her husband collapsed after the first shot and was hospitalized but went back for the others. She now fears every time those kids go to stay with him kilometers away every fortnight and half the holidays, as they do.

My sister and I no longer communicate since mid 2021 because I am a “terrible antivaxxer”.

I have Christian friends who also stood up for their “deeply principled approach” to this nightmare and said a resounding “No!”

Others were forced into it because they would’ve lost their jobs and the horrible repercussions of that decision which affected more than we can count. Some are so sick now others are dead.

Yes, I agree with you, they who have committed such heinous crimes against humanity will definitely get their reward when the Judge of ALL lays down His righteous laws.

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Thank you for your heart felt response. You succinctly highlight the difficulties most of us experienced, in one form or another, during and post COVID. I refused the jab, at great financial cost. Three of my adult children remain jab free. The fourth sadly succumb because of the threat to her job. Like you I am surrounded by the failing health of jabbed friends and relatives. Of interest, is my observation of the quickening of aging. I could be imagining it, but people around me who took the kool-aid seem to be looking much older. ✝️

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I see this also Gaz. I’m sad for all of us who have suffered through this insanity and you are brave for making your life changing decision to stand up against the tyranny that has beset us all.

I have faith, I trust for myself and my family, it’s all we can do and make our voices heard whenever and wherever we get the chance.

Stay strong brother Aussie, I guess you are by your name. We’re a weird mob alright, but unique :)

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Dont forget the MSM who stayed silent or censored the truthtellers, the faulty PCR tests and the state premiers who ensured the agenda was adhered to and delivered! On top of all this you have many of those who were successfully indoctrinated by the propaganda (mass formation psychosis)

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The underlying issue can be found in Fascism rebranded: exposing the Great Reset by Paul Cudenec, a collection of essays explaining what needs to be done; and what is being done here is an example. Thank you.

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Jun 25Liked by Julian Gillespie

Yes people are confusing Socialism with Fascism.

Some are dressing the movement as Socialism but they are the Corporations useful fools 🤷‍♂️

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I agree. At the global level, I think it's a weird alliance between CCP communists & WEF fascists. A bit like the Hitler-Stalin pact.

Both sides want to consolidate a single global government. (If they got it consolidated, they'd then turn on each other.)

Liberals in the west think the Agenda is socialism so they approve it - even though a few decades ago they wouldn't have gone along with destroying farms, 'seeding' clouds, supporting Pharma, supporting the food industry billionaires who're investing in artificial meat & milk, imposing surveillance technology, mutilating children, "assisted" suicide, etc.

They are blind to the fact that they're supporting an agenda which serves corporate billionaires & totalitarian CCP leaders - at the expense of HUMANITY.

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Jun 24Liked by Julian Gillespie

I think this is what they really think about ALL of us. Did you hear the one about the long sentence handed to the Pharmaceutical Company by the Judge?

"There is an expectation from the Australian community of which I might modestly add I am an responsible & respected leader within the aforementioned community will now hand out to you and others this totally fair and well thought out long sentence that is available to me under the terms of the laws that govern this great country and in so doing it is my learned expectation that when I have finished this sentence that there is also an expectation from you that I have considered, carefully, this aforementioned long sentence in as much as it is applicable to the previous cases I may have been a party to and have inadvertently omitted from the lengthy proceedings which may have been misconstrued as an obfuscation or rather an dereliction of duty but has now been resolved for all parties and now I must conclude this long sentence as I am running out of A4 paper.

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Jun 24Liked by Julian Gillespie

Brilliant. Succinct. The visuals land all points. Thank you to the producer and team. Thank you Julian and team for the continued championing of Truth, Freedom, Health.

No excuses. The villainy cannot be ignored any more!

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So very grateful for your work, Julian Gillespie

🇺🇸⚖️ Five US states to be suing Pfizer: https://open.substack.com/pub/petersweden/p/huge-five-states-will-be-suing-pfizer?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios

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I wrote a personal letter to MP Tanya Lawrence in Ellenbrook, Perth, almost 4 weeks ago, who also coincidentally, lives near me in the hills of WA. I too have had no reply.

In an attempt to relate, and make it more personal, i passed on some details of a family member inoculated with the GMO that her ex-work colleague (e.g.Mr. Mark McGowan) repeatedly said was a vaccine, and safe and effective... and supported the lies to protect himself and certain entitles.

I referenced also the Longford Royal Commission, because she recently worked with the 'blast man' (another of her ex-work colleagues Peter Coleman) who appears to have only benefited from the Longford explosion and resultant deaths of two persons, whilst many peoples lives were derailed in the aftermath...

With Lynda, there seems to be an attraction to work with people who benefit from 'disasters'...

I completed my letter, by informing her, that no matter how long goes by, people will never forget what happens, never forget who said what to protect an entity, and that there is an opportunity to do the right thing. We'll see.

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Here is some valuable information (from personal experience) when writing to MPs and bureaucrats:

1. Be polite and cordial.

2. The letter should be no more than a page.

3. Be succinct and factual with your point and concern.

4. Finish with a very direct and poignant question.

5. Give them a time limit for a response i.e an equitable three (3) days.

6. If no response within the time, follow-up with a second letter i.e. this is my second letter regarding the question and remember the time limit again i.e an equitable three (3) days.

7. If no response within the time, follow-up with a third letter i.e. this is my third letter regarding the question. If you don't answer this letter you will be in default and I will take this to the PM, or Premier, or Opposition Leader, or Attorney General, or Department head, or the Minister, and don't forget the time limit again i.e an equitable three (3) days.

The last time I did this it was with a state Attorney General, the mention of default had a responsible from the office inside three days.

I'm not guaranteeing anything here, but "default" as I understand it, is not a nice word in legal-land. Happy to be corrected.

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This silence, and ignoring, tactic has been almost ubiquitous since all this began.

In the past, if you wrote a complaint to someone in 'authority', or to a bureaucrat, or someone otherwise in the public eye, it was pretty standard that they'd reply.

It might take time and it might be a defensive reply or a strong justification or it might be a brush-off....'lessons will be learned'....but you'd get a reply.

Since 2020, it's like a memo went round telling everyone involved, at almost every level:

"When the complaints flood in, IGNORE THEM".

One of the very few replies I've had was from Health Canada after they admitted there was plasmid DNA contamination in the shots. I asked if they were going to withdraw the injections. They said No because the contamination wasn't in any way dangerous.

So I asked if they could cite the study/studies they'd looked at that showed safety.


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I can't watch videos that have an AI voice over.

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then turn the sound down and read the subtitles

.. with thanks, to the producer

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thank you Julian. Lets hope we can spread it far and wide.

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They can't suppress the truth forever.

I keep meeting people who got the injections and now regret it. I suspect others are having the same experience?

It's usually because they or someone in their family or network had serious damage afterwards.

Last week I got talking to a couple in a restaurant. They took 3 shots. The wife promptly got shingles. Friends had weird rashes and other injuries. Then their young niece, a healthy mother of 2 kids, who'd had 2 easy pregnancies, was persuaded by her doctor to get a "booster" during her 3rd pregnancy - to "protect the baby".

The pregnancy had been going well, like the first two.

A few weeks after the shot, she gave birth early, to a baby with brain damage.

People cannot continue to believe the Narrative when they SEE such things happening around them.

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