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Nov 24
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inappropriate and offensive

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Yes, a great interview, thank you

💉”Pharmaceutical companies shifted from cleaner manufacturing methods to cost-effective but less precise processes.” ~ Dr Mark Trozzi, 24 November 2024


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'Don't Dream It's Over'


A lot is going to happen ... before Jan 20 ...


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Angus Dalgleish is counting his chickens before they are hatched. It is to be hoped that RFK will be confirmed by the Senate, but it is not a foregone conclusion. And even if he is confirmed, the forces ranged against him are huge. And then he has a boss who is not noted for keeping his word . . .

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Jules, still awaiting Response re: Helen Mortimer and Pfizer. Is her decision "Appealable", or is the corruption a 'fait accompli', ie: a slap in the face for the Convict Nation?

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Great, other than the fact that there was no pandemic

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Yes, what I find the most interesting is what is NOT said in this interview, and what narratives are being spun. A lot of this is clearly Narrative B for those who didn't fall for MSM Narrative A. Still claiming RNA virus can pandemic, still perpetuating the scary BioWeapon mythology, still blaming contamination of the shots instead of calling out the transfection platform itself as a very bad idea. It leaves intact the "decade of pandemics/BioWeapons" and the idea that they can "clean up" those transfections so that the mRNA factories can keep churning out jabs for domesticated humans and their animals "in case of the dreaded BioWeapons". Unfortunately Angus is wittingly or unwittingly playing right into this Narrative B.

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Oh, it’s definitely “wittingly”. This Angus Dalgleish, right?

“Here, in an attempt to persuade the under-30s why they MUST have the jab, one of our foremost vaccine experts PROFESSOR ANGUS DALGLEISH gives his forensic analysis – and trenchant rebuttal – of some of the most common objections of young refuseniks.”


He is an operative in the same narrative gatekeeping cohort as Aseem Malhotra, John Campbell, Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Matthias Desmet, Geert Van Den Bossche, Bret Weinstein, RFK Jr… There are many but the main ones they all promote seem to be:

Virology isn’t a 150 year old iatrogenic scam.

Vaccines are life-saving when done properly.

Covid pandemic was cockup, not conspiracy, and the jabs definitely had nothing to do with the military, it was all big pharma.

Big pharma’s business model is flawed but it is definitely not about profiting from ill health it creates.

Lab leak, gain of function, scary bioweapons.

We can reform the medical industrial complex out of the goodness of our hearts, at great reputational, financial and professional cost.

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That article in the Daily Mail? Holy cow. I had not seen that. In July 2021, this guy makes these declarations about this junk? If that article is, in fact, based on his words, then me thinks that makes him several things -- none of which are any good.

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My like button not working. I agree with all your points. Dalgliesh was heavily involved with HIV/AIDS scam vaccines too.

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Did not know that but of course, is suggestive of why some names from the HIV/AIDS psyop became prominent during the Covid psyop (Fauci, Collins) while others were marginalised (Farber, Duesberg, Montagnier, Rasnick) or expired (Mullís). Not to mention all those with DoD/DARPA/bio-warfare backgrounds who also became household names in some circles… It’s a big club, after all…

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Thank you, Phillipa. I think you've just saved me ten minutes that I'd otherwise never get back.

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I applaud your initiatives and do sincerely hope it achieves something worthwhile.

After 5 years of this worldwide, highly- coordinated criminal activity however, I honestly can't see anything much changing until the rather large pachyderm in the room is finally acknowledged by those opposed. The elephant I'm referring to of course is the demonstrably pseudo-scentific discipline known as 'virology'. There are simply too many vested interests currently feeding off of this imaginary beast to ever allow the slightest dent to be made in its hide.

If anyone has proof that viruses exist and do what they are supposed to, there are plenty of medically-trained people, researchers, scientists and others who would love to see it.

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Thankyou Julian, this is SO good! - just to be out properly on MSM, don't care what anyone says! Very big congrats!👏❤️🥳 Please can you tell us, as a community group of us are about to put to our Local Council the obvious implicit/explicit questions, from them having received their beautiful packages of truth from Port Hedland Council....Please can you tell us, if a public org. or govt body has rec'd incontrovertible evidence re public harm pertaining to their actions, if they can become legally vulnerable, if choosing not to act on that info? Thanks if you can. xx

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Yes,,, yes, saw it live , a m today on outsiders ,,, he was giving it more gusto , and added exacting words of where we are ; no doubt bemused by the denials of some local district councils , post port headland, that have opted to go with the big Pharma scamdemic …

He was accurate , exacting & direct on point …. Todays show was very good

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This is excèllent, the dam is breaking

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More narrative enforcement for the spoon fed counter narrative operation

Bumbling politicians

Lab leaks

Deadly virus

All lies

It was the most premeditated holocaust in history, and everyone on this panel are part of the show, trickle truthing snd maintaining critical lies, they are just perception management agents

Like the SPARS SCENARIO/ Script says, they were always going to use exit strategy narratives, and these whores are just distribution outlets

Sweden still culled the elderly BTW


I wrote a letter and informed the World Medical Association and have received an answer.

My moral responsibility as a doctor to inform is completed. As is my days as a whistleblower.

My work to inform the world about the harmful strategy of Sweden has now come to an end.

Link to WORD:


Link to PDF


Link to answer from WMA:


My full text to WMA:

Illegal euthanasia implemented via Sweden´s official Covid-19 strategies, and the resulting consequences needing urgent WMA intervention

Dr Jon Tallinger

Kristinebergsgatan 11

575 39 Eksjö





8 July 2020

Dr Miguel R. Jorge (President)

Dr David Barbe (President Elect)

Dr Andreas Rudkjøbing (Chair of the Ethics Committee)

All Leaders & Council Members of World Medical Association

13, ch. du Levant

CIB – Bâtiment A

01210 Ferney-Voltaire


Official Sweden Covid-19 directives of senicide force Illegal Euthanasia on vulnerable elderly; doctors compromised

Dear fellow medical colleagues,

I am a 50-year-old specialist i allmänmedicin (general practitioner in Sweden with specific responsibilities) urgently appealing to the World Medical Association to officially approach the government of Sweden and make them accountable to my fellow medical colleagues in Sweden and worldwide, regarding a lack of ethics in 4 important issues which completely violate the Hippocratic Oath, Declaration of Helsinki and a declaration adopted at the 70th WMA General Assembly in Georgia during October 2019 against Euthanasia & Physician-Assisted Suicide:

1) Official directives specifically focus on elderly in nursing homes and deny them oxygen and basic medical attention such as being sent to hospitals, but are remotely prescribed Morphine and Midazolam if they are infected with SARS-CoV-2 without actual examinations while withholding information about official directives affecting the elderly. This results in disregarding the wishes of their loves ones who eventually wind up with the anguish of losing their parent(s).

2) Questioning and insisting on making public the statistics rendered confidential and not available to the Swedish public during this period of the pandemic, which definitely affects Sweden’s official approach on issues such as the extent of insufficient PPE, insufficient medical equipment including drugs for treating pneumonia, insufficient hospital beds, purchasing of testing reagents for Covid-19 tests, and withholding the journals of the elderly in nursing homes containing information to confirm unethical decisions and actions killing the elderly.

3) Sweden’s official strategies are justified by state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell. He has been wrong on too many occasions while refusing to provide necessary science to justify his experimental approach for months, and his pattern of consistent errors for months has made me question whether he understands the responsibilities and ethics of being an epidemiologist in public health. I can only conclude that Sweden’s official approach is forcing more than 10 million lives in Sweden to experience an ongoing process of herd immunity without a vaccine.

4) Swedish doctors being forced to obey official directives going against fundamental medical ethics as doctors while officially disregarding the lives and basic rights of patients and inflicting inhumane human rights violations, or being reported and then penalised if failing to adhere to such official directives, while the creators of such inhumane directives are still unidentified.

Since a few days after my going public on the issue on 10 April, I have been on official leave from my medical duties, in order to try to collect as much information as possible to add to what I was forced to confront in the official directives I have been given to carry out.

Full letter linked above

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Yes Covid19 Deaths per million of population

Sweden 2,682

Estonia 2,270

Finland 2,153

Denmark 1,511

Norway 1,204

NZ 1,163

Australia 937

USA 3,642


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When you overlay the deaths supposedly from CONditioning 19 to the uptake of these injections , the similarities in numbers is remarkable to say the least


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Nov 24Edited

in consequence we will be experiencing:

re evaluating of the old paradigms,

and spiritual awakening of human kind

path of ascension...

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The Great Debate Brilliant work Jules THANKYOU Link here https://rumble.com/v5uc878-dna-contamination-the-great-debate-part-1.html

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thank you Billy

.. full and uninterrupted recording also here: https://x.com/Double_Christ/status/1862709092000878604

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