That drip gets a lot of mail JG. I read today that the Prime Minister of Australia receives in the mail, on average, two parcels each week that contain human excrement.

I often wonder who's sending the other one?

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I feel sorry for all those who received this poison. Please look after your own health.

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Ending this toxic assault on humanity is obviously the immediate, non-negotiable priority. Getting the co-operation of those with the ability to do so has so far proven all but impossible in every country it's been attempted. It's been met with such lockstep denial, mis-direction, outright refusal and counter-attack everywhere, that the only possible conclusion to draw is that of a worldwide conspiracy, combined with a level of coercion of the political and bureaucratic classes that beggars belief. Many of the latter may have been unaware of the true nature of what they were implementing initially, but then realised they were already in too deep. It's then easier to deny all knowledge of potential wrongdoing than it is to contemplate the legal and ethical consequences of their actions, ie self-interest trumps everything.

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The Bodysnatchers. Exactly my thoughts as well. There’s been more than enough evidence to at least call a moratorium on the shots. I’m injured from 1 pfizer and have followed this whole shit show from the start, always believing that “this next evidence” will bring down the house. But alas nothing moves the needle. We all have the same questions and are in disbelief that nothing is being done it’s just more crickets. Before getting the shot, I believed my Canadian government tested the shots thoroughly hence the safe and effective narrative. But, then I observed that all countries were in lock step with the narrative, the weaponized insults “anti vaxxer, science deniers, conspiracy theorists and realized something was going on above our governments level. Now, no matter how much evidence has been uncovered by esteemed doctors, scientists, statisticians and researchers, not one government is taking any action. And those people are being demonized. Now there’s talk about shutting down “misinformation” on social media in other words even tighter censorship. So many questions with no answers forthcoming. Pharma owns all our health agencies, medical universities, medical journals through heavy funding. We all know something is going on. Is pharma behind this? Are our governments hand tied? Why are FOI requests coming back so heavily redacted which renders them useless. Pharma scares me with their obscene wealth, power and influence. Dr. Aseem Malhotra now has this documentary which played at the Leicester Square Theatre in London. I’ve come to the conclusion that it doesn’t matter how much evidence exists, nothing will come of it. One PM, on his own will be shut down. I don’t know what the answer is. I’m happy that more and more doctors are making noise.

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The Parasite non-hueman class wants everyone dead, this is the ultimate goal.....reveal them and destroy them, they can not live in the light

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I thank you for your work exposing the problem, and the perpetrators, and understand this is a priority so it can't happen again. [It's going to be a long and winding road]. Meantime I think spreading the word on Fenbendazole, Ivermectin and other protocols in cancer prevention and treatment is important. Dr. William Makis MD: https://substack.com/@makismd/p-149144588

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At the very least the authorities are ignoring the data and hiding their complicity. The crime is so huge because it implies intent to harm innocent people in a secretive and liability free way. Did the pharma companies know about the contamination? Of course they did but maybe they never thought it would come to light. Maybe they didn't know how bad the contamination was at first but thanks to Kevin, Jessica, and David, who found what was in the vials, there's enough evidence now to show the contamination is real. Yet the crime continues as they destroy vials (evidence) and run smear campaigns against truth tellers. There's really no more excuses not to ban these vile shots and they know it.

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A few word just can't convey the gratitude owed to you and all those others who's courage and heart have, throughout these murky years, pushed back at the obscuring dark shadows intent on denying this atrocity.

Facing this repulsive reality will take no small measure of the qualities you and they have abundantly demonstrated so far, and will be an ongoing challenge for all of us who wish to preserve humanity's integrity into an unknown future regardless of vaxx status. Though there is yet no certainty of a desirable outcome on the horizon we will persevere with hearts and minds harmonised in unity for truth and justice. Your efforts have and are creating the possibility that there can be a brighter destiny for future generations. Big thank you !

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Miracles can happen, there will have to be answers or a response one day. As long as we keep the pressure and keep informing more people. 👍

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Sadly, they won't care. They were exempt from taking the jab. Not their problem.

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Not sure Albo can read. Am sure he can't read the room. Maybe an aide told him about it and that's why he is in such a bad mood lately. Either way nothing will change.

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Julian, just want to thank you for your dedication. I just tried to send you coffees from here in Canada but my bank has changed some rules about unknown something or other. For sending it they’ll charge some unspecified fee. Also, the message was confusing. Sorry.

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The Governments mouthpiece ABC keeps on keeping on the jab bandwagon with the same vigorous support to Big Pharmas' witch's brews they have enjoyed from day one. Cant beat that free national advertising. Ground zero is a better reference point as it is a genetic time bomb they detonated in the Australian publics' genome and future health outcomes. ABC Articles for mRNA promotions reoccur again and again singing its praise and how it is the only thing to do to stop contagion. Side effects from the jabs are attributed to the unvaccinated not visa versa. Shingles or slow covid are spreading because still not enough people are getting vaccinated according to the ABC. They really stick to their government 'guns' at the ABC. Their new directors first words were he was clamping down on bias but most likely he just said that for effect. They are complicit in this contamination and need to be sold off.

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No, NOT sold off,

This is the radio & Television station that peoples money and lives have paid for. THere is no way "THEY" are going to be given all the international and australia wide infrastructures

ABC History | About the ABC

The Australian Broadcasting Commission (the ABC) was officially launched on 1 July, 1932 by Prime Minister Joseph Lyons and ABC radio announcer Conrad Charlton.

I just NOTED that the ABC is no longer referred to as COMMISSION - it too has been given the CORPORATION title.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983, Section 8).

So many changes b y tghe few started in the 1980s;...

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Your right, got a bit frustrated. Removing all its ensconced sycophantic Govspeaking lefty grifters would be a far wiser move, especially if they could all be prosecuted one day as accessories to the covid crimes. All of it is infested including radio all of which I stopped using years ago. Only one side of the arguments over political issues is ever represented and its never mine. Reform is the word but its for the lot down under, Gov,councils&ABC!

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🇦🇺💉The University of Melbourne: recent awards for SARS-CoV-2 research which, as claimed, increased uptake of the Covid jabs - https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02bYzznK3AXhPW2vAgmbUrPMjK7U6w4HXGmWJpdjuvzhjfcNak5hQZRWimEkqGXd7Bl&id=100063615276997

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