Australian DNA Contamination: The Final Report
.. and Beware of the TGA's hand waving Misdirection
good Substack folk,
way back in June we gave everyone a sneak-peek into the work of Canadian molecular virologist Dr David Speicher, who we commissioned to test Australian vials of Pfizer and Moderna after 8 or so Australian labs slammed their doors in our faces .. labs more concerned about their continued Commonwealth contracts than verifying whether millions of their fellow Australians had been poisoned with synthetic DNA .. another sad story of complicity .. ahem .. but onwards
anyhoo, David as many of you know, had earlier worked-up a paper with Kevin McKernan, Jessica Rose, Maria Gutschi, and David Wiseman showing massive DNA adulteration in 27 vials of the same stuff being administered to Canadians .. that Safe & Effective stuff
.. and for the record, the above paper is being revisited to refine its results using the post-boil and RNase steps David incorporated into his Australian methodology
last week Dr Speicher presented his final report after cautiously taking the time to double-check a round of results first, by undertaking another round with added controls, only to conclude that Yes, indeed, synthetic DNA contamination in Australian vials of Pfizer and Moderna has been off the charts
the full report can be viewed here:
.. with a link to the report HERE
faithful independent Australian journalist Rebekah Barnett, gave everyone a first look yesterday with lots of excellent commentary and quotes, with especially the response she received back from our favourite champions of health and wellbeing Down Under, the TGA
.. if you haven’t yet, give Rebekah’s rip a read .. she’s worth more than what Australia’s Secretary of Health gets paid not to do .. look after Australians
the TGA were quick to fling about a lot of humbug hand waving misdirection ..
“no this”
“no that”
“no validation”
“not reliable”
no no no No and Nein .. Nein!
.. and to be very clear .. Australia’s drug regulator did not say:
“Holy sh*t, this could be serious .. how soon can we set-up a meeting with Dr Speicher?”
no .. that would be the type of response one would expect from an honest and transparent and concerned national health authority .. no, they are certainly not that .. an authority .. but certainly authoritarian
no .. the responses Rebekah received were, predictably, served-up consumer friendly spin (with a Smile!) from their Damage Control Crew (the DCC), employed to deflect any heat on the TGA elsewhere .. hopefully to a galaxy far far away
in doing so, the TGA’s DCC frantically hand-waved everyone to ‘look over there’ in their correspondence with Rebekah, saying the silly man with a PhD (Speicher) had not adhered to the European Medicines Agency guidelines ICH Q2(R2) Validation of analytical procedures, so his results are unreliable
the Penn and Teller response to the TGA is simply this ..
now all of you white-coat-wearing lab techs out there do chime-in please with your Comments below on this, but let’s be real clear here
.. this is a new drug platform .. the tech and chemistry is new .. and being new, many new techniques had to be developed ever since Kevin McKernan started to see synthetic DNA readings flashing RED out of his results
now go back up and click-on the link to the ICH guidelines .. and take a read of them .. here, here is a copy for you:
now come at me in the Comments if I’m wrong, but I read that document and found no where any internationally recognised protocol setting the minimum standards of information required, and methods to be used, for detecting synthetic DNA contamination in a novel drug platform created after those guidelines were written, involving LNP-modRNA/DNA complexes ..
nothing, nada, zilch
which got me a’thinking ..
good ol’ChatGPT can do a lot of fancy stuff .. I have been testing it for months now, verifying how accurate it is and whether it delivers simplified or properly expert-like results when you throw some pretty heavy documents or queries at it .. and, it comes through with astonishingly accurate high-level and reliable responses .. more than sufficient to trust it on projects and subject matter you are already very familiar with
.. so, what did I do?
I uploaded David’s DNA report and uploaded the ICH Q2(R2) guidelines with the following query (try this yourself - I have a subscription):
‘Chat, please review the attached documents. Please outline how ICH Q2(R2) in any way describes how best to test for residual DNA contamination in a final drug product, and if so, how the method used by Dr Speicher could have possibly been improved by observing anything ICH Q2(R2) has to say. From the efforts undertaken by our scientific team, we do not see how ICH Q2(R2) assists, especially for the new and unique properties of the Covid-19 drugs, especially when the LNPs encapsulating any residual DNA can confuse the testing. Your analysis and comments will be very helpful. thank you’
.. and Chat’s response going straight to the Conclusion:
‘ICH Q2(R2) does provide general validation principles, such as ensuring specificity, precision, and accuracy, but does not directly address the unique challenges posed by LNP encapsulation in COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. Speicher’s method of boiling and RNA digestion to overcome these challenges appears to go beyond what ICH Q2(R2) covers, particularly in handling the special properties of these drugs. Therefore, it seems unlikely that adhering strictly to ICH Q2(R2) would substantially improve his method for residual DNA detection under the unique conditions presented by these vaccines.’
yep .. appears to go beyond .. just like good and new and adaptive science strives to do, and David did do this .. he went beyond
for the rest of the TGA hand-waving about the Provenance of the vials and Chain of Custody
.. on the face of David’s report they would be valid concerns, but for the fact lawyer extraordinaire Katy Ashby-Koppens of PJ O’Brien & Associates, a seasoned veteran of lawfare, had already taken very special care to document all of the Provenance and Chain of Custody separate to David’s report, in separate affidavits coming from the parties involved in locating and sourcing the vials, and then the subsequent transportation of the vials from Australia to Canada, right into David’s lap .. so checkmate on that TGA
.. that information on Provenance and Chain of Custody will be available for you all to view soon, when we update you all with our revised Criminal Brief of Evidence, we will again be delivering to Mark Dreyfus, yours and my not very good Federal Attorney-General, and Raelene Sharp, yours and my not very good Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP)
the revised Criminal Brief will up the ante for the A-G and CDPP containing as it will, this new Australian evidence of grossly excessive synthetic DNA contamination .. suggestive and evidence of course of population level contamination and the poisoning of Australia’s DNA Well
.. while again we will be calling on the A-G an CDPP to do their jobs and prosecute Pfizer and Moderna for serious criminal offences under the Gene Technology Act, namely, dealing with GMOs in Australia without licenses .. while noting, no such licenses could ever have issued had the TGA been doing its job and stepped in to say:
“Hold on a minute, Mate .. you have a small DNA contamination problem here, Mate .. you will not be Passing Go, Mate”
.. I heard you whispering up the back there again Darryl Kerrigan .. Tell him he’s dreamin .. well Darryl, someone has to point out what the TGA is meant to do
but I digress ..
we thought it best to let Rebekah Barnett springboard readers into Dr Speicher’s report by her always excellent deep-dive style, while in the meantime we have been busy busy busy getting the report under the right noses of those concerned politicians and organisations who have been closely following this GMO Case journey from the beginning
.. some of our friendly Covid political warriors, and upstanding organisations like AMPS (Hi, Kara!). ASF (Hi, Prof Gigi!), CHD AU (Hi, Prof Robyn!), VCA (Hi, Katrina!), and of course the AVN (Hi, Aneeta!)
.. you know, all those good organisations that do not look the other way like the AMA so faithfully does, just like about every other medical and science association and college in Australia does too .. look the other way .. what a shameful crew our medical associations and colleges have become, all cow-towing to government for seats at tables, royal ribbons, and of course, money honey
.. but again, I digress
so yes, we have been on the hustings with our friendly and faithful politicians and human health focused organsiations, asking them to share with their members the following press release out of the offices of PJ O’Brien & Associates
folks, read it .. and share it, please
you will see in the press release it refers to follow-up correspondence delivered to the Secretary of Health, Blair Comley, yesterday
.. he is the economist who slipped into the seat of not-really-a-do-no-harm-doctor Brendan Murphy, once the WHO’s country man for Oz, and perpetrator for triggering Australia’s greatest ever and most preventable iatrogenic crime .. the truly un-Safe & Effective
that correspondence with Blair has taken the form of Letter of Demand, of course demanding Blair pull the Covid products of Pfizer and Moderna based on the contamination findings returned by David, and several other eminent and prominent scientists about the globe
you can read the Letter of Demand right here .. make sure to pay close attention to our treatment of the TGA’s responses to Rebekah Barnett in paragraphs 12, 13, and 14
.. we didn’t bother informing the TGA about how we have secured their concerns as to Provenance and Chain of Custody because (a) they will see that when we CC them into the Criminal Brief of Evidence soon to be delivered to the A-G and CDPP, and (b) the TGA has our number .. and if they really gave a sh*t they’d call and ask
.. but you know, this is the TGA performing their internally stated mission of Duck-and-Weave .. no, they can wait .. give it to them too early, and they will spend $10 million more of your money bringing in an outside PR crew to assist their DCC crew with ways in which to distort our Provenance and Chain of Custody evidence
no no no no no No, TGA, nein .. just keep sitting like frogs in your own pot under your own fire for the time being, and take real close note of what this all boils down to
.. folks, read the end of paragraph 14 in the Letter of Demand again
.. here, let’s all read it together:
“ICH Q2(R2) provides no instruction … and is being used by regulators to avoid entering the lab to disprove the DNA contamination findings released by eminent scientists in 6 different countries. With the abundant resources available to the department, this testing would cost $10 or less for allaying fears, dismissing conclusively the findings of McKernan, Konig, and Speicher, while assuring 27 million Australians there is nothing to worry about. Why does the TGA and Department of Health refuse to undertake this simple science?”
so you see the science pickle million dollar man Blair Comley is in .. Blair old boy, you can have your DCC crew flap about pointing here and there as much as you want, paying more millions of our money to try and keep the TGA in Duck-and-Weave mode, but at some stage Blair, old boy, you and your bloody science agency have to do one thing ..
.. Science ..
.. real science .. just like David Speicher .. just like pioneers like Kevin McKernan .. just like eminent molecular scientists like Professor Brigette Konig
.. Science, Blair ..
yes Blair .. you and yours in the TGA will be required to end all this filibustering by picking up a pipette .. under supervision .. because quite frankly no body with marbles trusts you and yours anymore .. and you will have to perform the same methodology like that developed by David et al, and seek to reproduce or fail to reproduce the results of David et al
like honest scientists do
.. anything less is a lie .. and smoke .. and mirrors
and that folks is just about where we end today’s tale of bureaucratic treachery
but I must also mention the great difficulties our team has been experiencing behind the scenes trying to get these messages of national, indeed of international importance out to the world
we have tried countless times to place legitimate press releases with the likes of EIN Presswire only to have them rejected .. legitimate news items like about a certain GMO Case which has some serious questions and evidence to be heard and examined
.. they say: “We can’t send out these unsupported allegations” .. we reply: “Yeah funny that, we are lawyers in the business of going to court and substantiating those allegations, hence the press release about ‘court proceedings’” .. EIN Presswire come back with .. nothing .. the line goes dead
.. legitimate news like about serious allegations against a serving Federal Court judge who intentionally concealed her prior relationship with Pfizer, and then handed them a victory based on a seriously mangled legal decision
.. legitimate news like excessive DNA contamination confirmed in Pfizer and Moderna vials in 6 different nations
point being, we as a team have been blacklisted .. we clearly must be doing something right, right?
which brings me once again to ask .. can you and will you share the above and especially the press release above widely .. far and wide
download them
.. push them .. push them real good
.. and stick them under the nose of your Local, State, and Federal representatives, and ask them:
“Hey Man, do you think this rushed stuff was good for the country .. do you think asking me to give this crap to my kids was a good idea?”
unfortunately we are living in a tale of woe
Australia really is in a dystopian reality .. here Down Under, where for now everything is Upside Down
send the press release on to your friends .. and your pro vax friends too, if you dare .. because it is evidence now about to be submitted to Australia’s chief law officers .. and god willing, if we don’t see any more corruption-like-goings-on out of our Federal Court, to be submitted on the tail end of a re-tried GMO Case before a judge that actually acts like a judge .. you know, fair and unbiased
.. we can only hope
thank you again for tuning in .. and please restack if you can
UPDATE: 20 September
Russell Broadbent MP has been quick to act on the report of Dr Speicher, and this afternoon sent the following letter to the Prime Minister, CCing Health Minister Butler, Professor Tony Lawler (Deputy Secretary at the TGA), and Lorraine Finlay (Human Rights Commissioner)
Russell has called for an immediate suspension of the Pfizer and Moderna products
Just some Lipids, no different to a Bunnings Snag on a Saturday morning ~ “John Skerrit”
Why are they putting in synthetic DNA, what does it mean to a persons health, what exactly is it? Can't be good for the future of humanity. Meanwhile Mpox and RSV vaccines are being pushed. Mpox could be used as the next plandemic?