Monkeypox manipulator warned of DNA contamination in 1994 and went on to be key force in GMO Jab development


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Just some Lipids, no different to a Bunnings Snag on a Saturday morning ~ “John Skerrit”

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Skerritt is lower than a dog. In the pocket of the bio-pharmaceutical complex. A low life money motivated ignorant PIG 🐷 The TGA needs to be removed as the authority of drugs in Australia. How can this body be 90+% funded by big pharma be in charge of drug approvals. Brings to mind Fox, chicken henhouse. 👿

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Love you big time, plus your sarcasm makes me smile whilst I’m gritting my teeth in frustration. The holiday must have energised you 👍🙏🏻💕

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I don't think Julian GIllespie has holidays - he would be spreading this info to all he meets and making useful contacts.

He has a wonderful sense of humour and that was a great Ozzie film with Darryl as THE Lawyer. He WONI!! Jules gives an accurate assessment of job titles and what they actually do (or don't do).

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🙄Do you think this will still be ignored? 🤔

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Excellent & forever grateful

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Thanks for all your work.

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13 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs ago

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this work that TGA should itself be doing instead of just accepting "assurances" from Big Pharma? Perhaps for the record, you might like to ask TGA what work they WOULD accept as accurate and invite them to do it themselves in a nominated lab, with an independent control lab nominated by yourselves using exactly the same standards and protocols?

Great work, keep the pressure on bastards! As I understand it, they haven't yet even acknowledged that the mod-mRNA gene therapies involve "transfection" - their actual mode of action!

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So much good work by so many good hardworking people. If only we can get a result.

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I'm still trying to work out the spelling on the bottle in the top graphic.

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Me thinks the TGA doth protest too much...

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beware the pandemic treaty its coming back much sooner than we realise for the details check out the james roguski substack....also go to citizengo.org and scroll through till you find a petition ..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty..read it most carefully to understand just how serious things are...its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world when resharing it dont bother using you tube/twitter/gestapo book as you can be sure they will suppress it..it currently has over 215000 signatures

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It seems some people are waking up around the world and here in Canada we are seeing the same kind of willful ignorance about the shots. The authorities are having a harder time explaining and justifying their deadly policies and are doing everything they can to hide the truth and their own part in the horrifying poisoning of humanity. I think it's up to us to keep the pressure on, even though they will censor and use any means to stop the word getting out. They are writing laws here to criminalize free speech, calling it hate speech, and bill C293 which will remove our rights to opt out of the next "pandemic". Our leaders are compromised and trying to hide while the globalists enact their digital ID and vaccine agendas. But on the bright side an election is on the horizon and it doesn't look good for the ruling Liberals who are tied to the WEF agenda. Young people who are so easily manipulated are slowly waking up I think but so so much damage has been, and still is being done.

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Why are they putting in synthetic DNA, what does it mean to a persons health, what exactly is it? Can't be good for the future of humanity. Meanwhile Mpox and RSV vaccines are being pushed. Mpox could be used as the next plandemic?

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As always, outstanding work by all who give so much of themselves to ensure the lies, corruption, and out right Bullshit is exposed and not swept under the carpet of filed away in a bottom drawer. Thank You!

And just a thought, is all the stalling and delaying tactics to provide enough time to try and hide behind Digital Id and Mis-Information act taking place at the end of 2024?

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Deepest gratitude for your work. Press release sent to my local MP....let's see if he graces me with an actual response!

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Yes I have also sent a copy of the press release to my local MP and Senator.

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